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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

If you’re like me and many others, Friends taught you basically all there is to know about life. There’s an episode for every mood and it never fails to make me laugh. I always re-watch it thinking that it’s impossible for it to get better, but it does, every single time. Here are 10 moments that totally apply to life in university/college. This show will always be my all-time favourite.

1. Everyday mood

It’s okay to not have everything figured out just yet – people don’t like announcing it to the world, but the majority of us are in that boat, so keep that in mind.

​2. The Cafeteria Flex

When you and your friends steal food from the cafeteria – a buffet is a buffet. Chances are, if you do this, you either feel really bad about it or couldn’t care less. If I’m being frank, I’m the latter; a girl’s gotta eat and I only have so much flex.

3. Deadlines

When an assignment deadline gets extended – the perfect reason to go to Queen’s Pub and celebrate…?

4. When you and your friends are proofreading each other’s essays

Essays… so… many… essays… how many times can I use the word “hegemony” without being called out by my TA on onQ?

5. Time for a break

Follow the 50/10 rule; a ten minute break for every fifty minutes spent studying. Grab some food, watch some Buzzfeedvideos, or read a HerCampus article ;)

6. When your friends take forever to decide on what food to order, even though the answer is obvious: pizza 

All the pizza. If you’re reading this and you don’t have a rewards account with your fave pizza place, as soon as you’re done reading this article, you know exactly what you need to do.

7. The Freshman Fifteen

What we aren’t going to do is feel bad for eating a whole ‘za by ourselves. Pizza hits all the food groups.

8. Rumours

Cue the Fleetwood Mac! When you and your friends hear a silly rumour, stick with your OGs and do your own thing. As cliche as this sounds: haters gonna hate.

9. More deadlines

Yeah, remember when you went out to celebrate that one week extension? It’s been a week. Don’t panic: grab that Starbucks and get writing. You got this.

10. Work hard, play hard

At the end of the day, cut yourself some slack. Life is too short to worry about getting the perfect grade. Your years spent at university will be some of the most memorable ones where you learn all about yourself and the world, so make them count and treasure the friends you meet along the way.

Pravieena is a Global Development Studies Major and Gender Studies Minor at Queen's University. A few things she is passionate about are: writing, music, television, and chicken nuggets. Her not-so-guilty-pleasure will always be reality TV.