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The 10 People You Sit Next to in Class

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

1. The Hardcore Typist

This person writes down every single word the prof says, even if it’s a joke about the weather. You tolerate their obscenely loud smashing of the keyboard because you know that their notes are the best you can find and if you miss class they are your go-to person to ask for them.    

2. The Social Media Scroller

This person is constantly scrolling the feeds. You’ve probably gained 60% of your meme knowledge from them, but also missed 60% of what the prof has said. It’s best to avoid sitting behind this person because you will find your eyes and your attention wavering from your prof to their screen a little too often.    

3. The Late, But Goes to the Front Anyways

There are people who are late who find the first seat available and sit down as quietly as they can. Then there is this person. They walk in 10 minutes late, walk to the front of the room, while the prof is talking, and scan for the best seat available. It’s always awkward and they always distract you. Don’t be this person, this is not a liked person.    

4. The Texter

This person probably doesn’t put their phone down for more than 2 minutes at a time. How they retain anything when they put down their phone I’m not sure, but that won’t stop them from texting their hearts out.  

5. The Question Master

This person puts their hand up at least 3 times a lecture to ask a question. Now these people can occasionally be helpful because they can make your prof slow down, and clarify what they mean. Other times, they just unnecessarily extend class time, potentially making it so that your professor has to rush other sections of the lecture.    


6. The Packs Up Early  

This person starts to pack up their backpack before class is completely finished, giving little regard to how loud it is or how disrespectful it is towards your professor. Apparently the 30 seconds they save by not waiting for the class to be over is just too important. If you are this person, you need to stop, please, just stop.

7. The Talkers

These people are social butterflies who think that sitting in a lecture hall is the best time to tell each other about their wild weekends. They are wrong, they are distracting, and they need to leave. But alas, they show up to classes anyway, ready to speak over their professor week after week.

8. The Space Head

You notice this person always has their pen at the ready or their fingers resting on their keys with their word document open, yet they never take down a single note. They’re much too busy spacing out and thinking about anything other than the class they’re sitting in. This person was the kid in elementary school that ate glue to see what it would taste like, they just have better things to do than pay attention.

9. The Foodie

This person always has a snack, or a drink, or a five-course meal. They probably have back-to-back classes and fuel up at any opportunity they have or just enjoy a good snack throughout the day. These are the people you need to befriend, because I assure you, they’ll probably offer you a bite.

10. The Wait You’re Still in This Class?

You will see this person at your first lecture and your midterms and exams. They rely purely on other’s notes and the textbook to get them through. If you are this person, I guess everyone in your class is this person to you.