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Why Living with My Boyfriend Was My Best Adult Decision Yet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

Having a significant other is an absolute treasure. If you have one, thank them every day for being so damn great. I’ve had a lot of people ask me what it’s like to live with my boyfriend at such a young age, and I tell them all the same thing – It’s the best adult decision I’ve made yet. Here’s why:

He keeps me motivated 

Sleeping through my 9:30? Last minute cramming because I slacked off all week? Not around this guy. My grades are almost more important to him than his own.

There’s always someone around to eat my mushy leftovers.

I’m a domestic disaster. If my SO wasn’t in-house, my take-out leftovers would accumulate for weeks and die a slow mushy death in the back of the fridge. Lucky for me, my guy loves a second-day Potbelly’s skinny turkey-bacon-avocado sandwich.

I’m constantly being overwhelmed by my biggest fan and on-call consultant

 No matter the hour, I can count on him to help me make a life changing decision, yell at me when I’m giving up, or give me a big squeeze when I almost bomb that midterm I’ve been pulling my hair out over. Without his support, I probably would’ve dropped out of University and would be living a nomadic lifestyle by now. (I know he’ll roll his eyes when he reads that last sentence).

We keep each other balanced

Our “gender roles” are completely switched. He loves to cook and clean. I love to wipe my greasy pizza fingers on my jeans and watch sports in my comfy pants on Sundays. I’m a planner, he’s an improviser. He’s an extreme introvert, and I’m an extreme extrovert. It works for us! Our differences help us grow and change.

We’ve grown together

Before we lived together we had the typical texting 24/7, obsessing over each other, young love relationship. Now, we’re each other’s best friend. We’d much rather lay around and binge watch old sit-coms all weekend than plan an extravagant night out. We’re adults, living adult lives, in an adult relationship, and in my eyes living together has played a big part in that.

We’re always planning

The future is very important to the both of us, and we take each other into consideration before making any crazy decisions. A big chunk of our daily talk is dedicated to planning our future together. What will he do after graduating this spring? Where will we be spending this summer? Where do we both want to end up? Do our aspirations line up with the other’s? It’s all a matter of planning, and we love making the decisions together.


Don’t be afraid to take the next step with your S.O. If anything, it’ll help you decide if you’re truly meant for each other or not. It’s not easy — but it is most definitely worth it!

Mass communication major who dedicates her evenings to discovering rad musicians. Aspiring Music Supervisor. Born & raised in Indiana corn fields but her heart belongs in the city. You can find her drinking a chai latte and gushing over baby animals online.
Danielle Wilkinson is an Atlanta native and currently a senior at Purdue University studying Mass Communication. She is the co-correspondent and Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Purdue. She has written for several online and print publications in the past including The Purdue Exponent, The Tab, Society 19, Study Breaks Magazine and Voy Study Abroad. She loves traveling, shopping and everything entertainment, especially movies and TV, but 90s rom coms will always be her favorite. She hopes to move to California one day to pursue a career in marketing. In her free time, she loves YouTube, watching movies with her friends, working on her novel, drinking tea and reading books.