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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

If I am not listening to the newest Logic album or 2000’s throwbacks, then you will definitely find me hitting up my favorite podcasts. They can range from a variety of different topics, and they can be entertaining while also educational. Some of these podcasts are so entertaining that it doesn’t even feel like I’m learning. If only some of my classes were the same way…

So if you are new to podcasts or you are looking for new content, here are my top four favorite podcasts:

1. Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness

Hosted by one of the stars of the hit show Queer Eye, this podcast truly lives up to the hype! Jonathan Van Ness covers a bunch of different topics with a new co-host each week. His topics vary from fashion, to politics, to religion, and even health. This is a great podcast that is super easy to listen to and can also be really educational about today’s society. Jonathan is also the sweetest and most fierce person on this planet, and listening to him gives me hope for humanity!

2. Pod Save America

This podcast is all about politics. It is hosted by four former aides to President Obama, and they discuss all of the current events happening in politics all around the country. Despite the obvious liberal bias, they provide a lot of useful information that sheds light on some of the current events that aren’t blown up in the media. It is super helpful to stay up to date on what is going on in our government while also making it light-hearted and entertaining.

3. Guys We F****d

This podcast has got it all: two girls talking openly about sex, comedy, and an anti-slut-shaming agenda. Comedians Corrine Fisher and Krystyna Hutchinson from Sorry About Last Night bring on special guests each episode with one very important thing in common: they all slept with either Corrine or Krystyna. They have an open conversation about their sexuality and relive the night they hooked up. The good, the bad, and the ugly. You will laugh, you will cringe, and you will be so glad you listened.  

4. Congratulations with Chris D’Elia

This is my favorite podcast to listen to when I just need to shut my mind off and listen to Chris D’Elia rant about random stuff. If you have ever seen one of his stand-up comedy shows, you know that Chis’s humor is very unique. Despite this, somehow I always end up laughing awkwardly by myself when I am listening to his podcast. He talks about current events, past events, and he loves answering questions from Twitter (while also roasting everyone’s Twitter handle).


Lauren is a Senior at Purdue University studying Professional Writing. She loves to read, but when she's not doing that she is probably rewatching The Office or Parks and Rec for the hundreth time on Netflix. She loves Harry Potter so much that she got a Harry Potter tattoo on her ankle. She hopes to one day be able to write novels for a living. Lauren has many passions, including doing face masks and cuddling with dogs.
All the way from Phoenix, Arizona, Janice attends Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, where she is currently a bioengineering major. Spending her time daydreaming Janice can be found jamming out to any song, watching netflix, or studying for the terrifying tests she has around the corner. You can follow her adventures @janichan on instagram.