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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

It’s that time of the month again. Not only has your period begun, but so has the pain associated with it. If you’re like me, you suffer with painful, sometimes debilitating cramps that keep you in bed all day. According to healthpartners.com, over half of women who menstruate experience period pain, called dysmenorrhea, in the first two days of their period. Although some women suffer with headaches or general discomfort during their cycle, the majority of pain comes from menstrual cramps. Biologically, period cramps are caused by your uterus contracting to shed its lining and essentially, is compared to early contractions in labor. If you experience chronic period pain that debilitates your life, you need to talk to a doctor. Cramps that are really bad may be a sign of some serious reproductive problems, like Endometriosis or PCOS.


During the tough days of your cycle, moderate exercise actually alleviates your period pain as increased blood flow sends more oxygen into your organs; helping your cramps. Personally, during my period, I often do yoga to help relieve my cramps while also moving my body.

Take a nap!

Sleeping off your cramps is sometimes what you have to do. With a pillow under your back and some lavender essential oil, pause your body for an hour and relax. 

Use a heating pad!

Heating pads are lifesavers! Recently, my mom bought me a heating pad specifically made for period cramps. It’s scented with lavender and helps relieve my pain. Heat in general helps to ease the contradiction of muscles. Also, hot bubble baths are a must.

Try Magnesium!

Although I take ibuprofen during my period, I also take magnesium. According to helloclue.com, magnesium may prevent some people from menstrual cramps as it relaxes the uterine muscle and reduces the prostaglandins that cause period pain.

Talk to your doctor!

If you’re chronically suffering with extreme period pain, you may need to talk to a doctor and receive hormonal birth control. Although it’s the last resort, birth control often decreases the number of prostaglandins in your body and balances out your periods.

I hope you try these methods in preventing and dealing with period pain! Again, if period pain is stopping you from living your life, you need to talk to a doctor.


Jordan is a junior at Purdue and majoring in History with two minors in Classical Studies and Forensic Science. Originally from Indiana, she loves drinking chai lattes, playing tennis, binge-watching Netflix, and spending time with her golden-retriever dog, Beau.