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3 Ways to Spend Your Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

Valentine’s Day is around the corner and whether you have a date or not, this day can be fun for everyone. There are so many things to do on campus with friends or your significant other.

Here are some ideas on what to do. 

1. Splurge and go out for dinner

This is my first year not living in the dorms and not having meal swipes. I have to admit, I do miss the dining courts. But I also understand that it can get a bit old going to the dining courts after awhile. For Valentine’s Day, go ahead and celebrate by going out for a nice meal. The Bryant, a new restrauant that opened up a couple months ago, is perfect for this lovely day. They have a cozy ambiance and a good menu. I would definitely go there if you’re looking for a new place to eat at this year. 

2. Ice Skating

What’s more fun than trying to balance on ice? Just kidding, there are things that are more fun than being terrified of falling. But being terrified with other people is definitely a blast. Trying to skate and not hold onto the wall for dear life is a bonding experience. 

3. Movie night

A movie night is always a go to. But Valentine’s Day calls for cheesy rom-coms and junk food with friends. It’s perfect for a Galentine’s Day in full of laughs and teary eyes.


All the way from Phoenix, Arizona, Janice attends Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, where she is currently a bioengineering major. Spending her time daydreaming Janice can be found jamming out to any song, watching netflix, or studying for the terrifying tests she has around the corner. You can follow her adventures @janichan on instagram.