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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

With finals season upon us, it is almost inevitable that the levels of stress and pressure have increased in everyone. The colder weather and the fact that it gets darker earlier does not help.

This time of year can feel like the absolute worst.

When I feel myself getting into my own head about exams and finals, it is so important for me to take a step back and remember that this stress is temporary. That being said, these next few weeks are going to be hard, so here are some healthy reminders that every students needs.

socializing can be productive

My favorite way to prepare for exams is to plan study dates with my friends. Even if we aren’t taking the same classes, it can be so therapeutic to meet up at Panera or Starbucks and just do some studying together.

Now, it’s true that I am not going to be as efficient with my studying as I would be if I was alone. But the added bonus of being social and spending time with friends makes up for any “wasted time.” Even during the hardest part of the semester, it is important to remember that you can still have fun in between all the work.

Sometimes the best way to ensure that you see people is to trick yourself into believing you’re working while seeing people. Because, although it may seem like you’re losing precious time that could be spent working, sometimes being social is what you need to respark motivation and put you back into a positive headspace.

don’t stay in one place for too long

It can be way too easy sometimes to sit at your desk for hours on end, churning out assignment after assignment, only to look up from your work and wonder where the sun went.

To avoid this, make sure you seperate your studying into sections and designate different spots to study at throughout the day. Staying stagnant will not only leaving you feeling uncomfortable physically, but you’ll feel stuck mentally.

Penn State has an endless number of places to study, whether it be at the library, the HUB or downtown. The cold weather might make it tempting to stay in your room, but resist the urge to stay in bed. Go out, even if it takes bribing yourself with a coffee or lunch.

Taking Care of Yourself is a NonNegotiable

Somehow it always feels like we run out of time the closer we get to exams. There just isn’t enough time to dedicate to studying, going to classes and being a semi-functioning person. So when something needs to fall off the schedule, it typically ends up being basic necessities, like sleeping, eating or showering. Or we fall into the trap of thinking “I can just eat dinner while studying” or “I’ll just look at these notecards before I fall asleep,” and our work bleeds into our “me-time.”

Don’t let it.

That time is meant to refuel and recharge your body. One of the best habits I have gotten into is putting away everything during dinner and just enjoying the time with myself. I reflect on my day, check in with my body and reorganize my priorities to see what still needs to be done before I go to bed.

Don’t let stress and studying take over every aspect of your life. Let some things be sacred, and give yourself that time to take care of your body and your mind.

Go into these last exams knowing that the end is so close. You got this!

Emma is a junior from Randolph, New Jersey, double majoring in journalism and human development and family studies with a minor in addictions and recovery. When she's not writing you can find her watching "Big Brother," drinking Diet Coke or trying to explain internet drama to her dad.