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How to Stay Motivated at the End of a Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

The second half of spring semester can be tough. We’re fresh off spring break, and finding motivation to continue working hard can seem nearly impossible.

So, here’s just a few easy ways to get motivated, and stay motivated as a college student.

Wake up early

I’m not saying you need to set your alarm for 4 a.m., but waking up by 8 or 9 can really start your day off right. Open the blinds, make a coffee, listen to some music and get ready to take on the day.

Plan Everything out

I know to-do lists aren’t for everyone, but planning things out can help hold yourself accountable. Checking things off a to-do list feels like a reward. Take it day by day and allow yourself to take breaks.

Don’t overwork yourself!

Think about why you’re doing it

We’re all in college for essentially the same reason: to better ourselves. Whether you want to be a doctor, a teacher or something entirely different, we all have a purpose here. Keep your eye on the prize, your future self will thank you.

Don’t do it all alone

Locking yourself in the library for hours can make you lose your mind. Get a group of friends together to do some work, and try to work somewhere new. Having a study buddy or a gym partner can make things feel fun rather than a chore.

Keep it clean

There’s no way to do your best work in a messy room. Keep things tidy and neat. A clean room gives you a clean mind.

Instead of having one big cleaning day a week, clean as you go so you aren’t too overwhelmed.

Dress to impress

If I know I have a long day of work ahead, I always make sure to wear something that makes me happy. A simple outfit change can make you feel so much more put-together, which motivates you to work.


Meditation is the perfect excuse to take a break. Instead of just sitting around and doing nothing, you’re allowing yourself to fit some self-care into your busy schedule. Even if it’s just five minutes a day, meditation really makes a difference.

Create Goals, not tasks

This idea comes from Harvard Business Review. Instead of telling yourself to “do your math homework” or “write your essay,” tell yourself to do your best, work hard and be a good student.

Ask for help

College is extra hard when facing it alone, but the people around you are more than willing to help.

Reach out to your friends, family and professors. They will help you carry the load.

Reward Yourself

I think this is one of the best ways to motivate yourself. Whether it’s your favorite snack, doing a face mask or watching a good movie, rewarding yourself makes you work all that much harder.

Motivation is definitely not easy. However, if you give yourself all the tools you need, it’s very doable.

So get out of bed, create some goals and do your best everyday. Let’s finish the year off strong.

Julia is a Junior at Penn State University studying Telecommunications and Media Industries with a minor in History, she is also Her Campus at PSU's Secretary! She loves all things trendy and pop culture, and hopes to work in the media industry in the future!