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Eight Reasons It’s Okay To Make That Phone Call Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

We all get like this sometimes: we’re sitting on our bed, staring up at our ceiling, while some crisis is going on in our lives that we have no idea how to handle. During times like these, I know all of us feel a bit like Penny from The Big Bang Theory.

But at least with Penny, she can admit that she needs help with whatever she is doing. With us students, fresh-faced at college, we always feel the need to try and separate ourselves from our families —especially our parents. We want to prove that we are independent and can run our own lives. If we have a problem, we must put on the big girl pants and face it ourselves.


Only, that’s not the case in our lives — at least, not yet.


Now, I’m all for proving that college students can be independent. We can take care of ourselves. That’s what college is meant for — besides education — to prepare us for the world. But we must never forget who got us here in the first place. Here are the top eight reasons why it’s OK to call home when times get tough.


1. There’s always going to be that one class…

If you’re one of the lucky college students that isn’t faced with a boring class, you’re one in a million. Every semester, no matter which class sounds interesting or how easy it is, there’s always something about it that just ‘irks’ you. When you don’t have the chance to rant to your friends, your next best friend is right under the name “Mom” in your phone contacts.


2. School is tough sometimes.

Never be fooled into thinking college is easy. Don’t listen to a word anyone says about how class loads aren’t hard, or that you won’t ever pull an all-nighter. Coffee becomes your number one source of energy during those hard times of studying and getting to classes. When you aren’t slowly falling asleep from the boring teachers, you can call right on home and rant about it to your number one fans, mom and dad.


3. College is contagious

If you go to a big college, it’s obvious that getting sick is going to happen. We have over forty thousand students at Penn State, and that means everyone is bound to get sick at some point. Who better to call then mother back home when we’re in need of some medical expertise?


4. Guys (and girls) gettin’ up in our buisness

No matter who you may be in to, there’s always that one person following us around at frat parties and mixers — trying to get near us and trying to get our number. Or, in other cases, trying to get us into bed. When we’ve had too much of it and just want to tell the guy to take a hint, we call our next best girlfriends: our mothers.


5. We need to see the pets!

Guys and girls alike: we miss our pets. There are gloomy days on campus where all you want to do is snuggle up with your pet back home and sleep away the tiredness. When you’re lying in bed and wanting to see those animals, they’re only a short video call away. You just have to press the call button on mom or dad, and instantly you’ll be connected with adorable, pet cuteness. Can anyone else say “awww?”


6. Mo’ money, mo’ problems

I feel like this one goes without saying. We are in college, and college is expensive. Even making those trips to the local CVS can prove to be quite the pocket-pincher. When our part times jobs aren’t cutting it and we need a few extra dollars to get those cute, new clothes we’ve had our eyes on for a while, we call up mom for a little extra dough.


7. Roommates are tough sometimes

Luckily, I have not had to deal with this. But, I know there are some people who have. When we’re in college, we often experience living in a room with one other person for the first time in our lives. And sometimes, personalities clash. Remember, nine times out of 10, your parents were college students as well and had to deal with this. Even though they grew up in a different decade, their advice on how to handle roommates could be the one thing that keeps you from pulling your hair out due to frustration.


8. They’re always ready to talk to you

Remember, they are your family. They are the people who have seen you at your best and at your worst. Your parents love you, and so do your siblings, uncles, aunts and grandparents. They are always there to talk to you when you need them. If you’re having a bad day, and just need to cry to someone, they will always be there for you. Family is forever, and more college students need to realize that moms and dads will do anything to talk with their kids. Give them a call. It’ll make their day and it’ll make yours too to hear how happy they are to hear your voice again.


Have you ever had to call home for any of these reasons? Phone calls home are simply the best, because let’s face it: we all get a little homesick sometimes.


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Alexandra is a senior at Penn State majoring in Digital-Print Journalism in the College of Communications. She is the assistant editor for Her Campus and loves everything else PSU has to offer her. She is involved with the Onward State, and would like to somehow benefit THON. Alex loves to write, sing, bake, and dance around like no one is watching. Alex is known to love her animals, including her cat, Grace, who isa little devil at the same time. Oh, and pizza. She loves pizza like it's her world. Follow her on Instagram for her craziness: allieramos1698
Meghan Maffey graduated from the Pennslyvania State University in the Spring of 2017. She graduated with a degree in Broadcast Journalism and a minor in English.