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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Every year Valentine’s Day rolls around and every year the post Valentine’s Day blues set in. The days approaching can feel lonely as well, but the days after when the celebration starts to wind down can be lonely as well.

Whether you are single, in a long-distance relationship or it’s complicated, I’m sure you can relate to the blues I’m talking about. We can find friends to celebrate with, significant others or even the Happy Valentine’s Day snap from Snapchat to make us feel a little more loved. However, that stops when the cards have already been sent, the free cupcakes at work are gone, or Valentine’s Day memes have expired off everyone’s story. Whether you are mourning love lost or a love that has never happened, Valentine’s Day is not all chocolate hearts and sunshine as it may seem for everyone.

Start Journaling More.

Something we take for granted far too often is the opportunity to get to know ourselves better through journaling. I find it reduces anxiety and improves my mood whenever I set aside 20 minutes a day to journal. You could start journaling to work on your personal growth and goals.

I highly encourage constantly writing about your goals to keep you motivated. Whether you are looking to accomplish things in the short run or long run, I think journaling your goals adds a lot to a person’s overall well-being. After Valentine’s Day, we can feel lonely and journaling can remind you to take some time for yourself positively. Social media puts a lot of pressure on people to feel like they have to be out with other people and have fun. When you take that pressure away and can look at self-improvement it takes away the pressure of feeling or not feeling as much love on Valentine’s Day as we expected.

Treat Yourself!

Now I am not in any way a fan of retail therapy, but I am for doing things for yourself when you are sad that improve one’s health. If you spend so much time thinking about everyone else, how is that ever going to make you feel good? To me, Valentine’s Day makes me see everyone else’s love and happiness and it’s easy to compare it to my own. Am I as happy as others?

When you treat yourself, you are turning the focus away from others and back on yourself. Go to your favorite pastry shop! Buy those boots you have been wanting for months! Treating yourself in moderation can be beneficial, but make sure you do it in moderation and not as a replacement for your emotions. Treating yourself should be taking a step back from neglecting your feelings and taking something simply you love to reward yourself.

Work On Forming New Connections.

Putting yourself out there and making new friends can be a great way to work on your relationships. Start small by being kinder to those already around you and strengthening those relationships before branching out more. Then try talking to more people in your classes, your job or put yourself out there in your extracurricular activities. Especially if you would like to form a romantic relationship with someone in the future it is nice to start with a strong friendship at the base of your new endeavor. Relationships are an important part of our health, and while it is important to be independent, it is just as important to keep yourself open to others.

Change Your Look Up

While we should be looking at our inward emotions when we are upset, sometimes changing our outward appearance can boost our mood. Change is important and so is stepping outside of your comfort zone, so the days after Valentine’s Day can be a great opportunity to try new things. Spring is creeping up anyways so maybe pull some new outfits out of the wardrobe you do not normally wear.

Going thrifting is also a fun way to get creative and be sustainable while updating your wardrobe. Going on Pinterest and getting inspiration for a switch-up. Creating boards is a great way to organize your thoughts and figure out the aesthetic you are going for. Another alternative is changing your hair up. Adding some highlights or layers is a subtle way to change your appearance, but just enough to add some good vibes going into the next week.

Let Your Emotions Out

Valentine’s Day can bring out a lot of positive love, but it also can remind us of lost love. It can feel silly to be crying on Valentine’s Day, but maybe you should be. If you have some negative emotions tied with this week might as well shred some tears. It can feel embarrassing, but holding in your emotions never solves the problems behind them. It is natural and perfectly acceptable to be sad before, during and after this Valentine’s Day. Get on Spotify and turn on a sad vibes playlist and feel your emotions out. You do not have to be girl bossing 24/7, by addressing these feelings you can move on and have a positive look into the future.

Try a few of these tips out if you’re feeling those post Valentine’s Day blues. The natural response can be to ignore our emotions and go into autopilot, but taking time to invest in yourself will be so much more beneficial in the long run. Atmospheres consumed with love and relationships can make people feel bad about what they may be missing out on. Sometimes we do not appreciate what we have. While you’re focusing on yourself over the next couple of weeks, take time to be thankful for the love you still have in your life.

I am a 3rd-year undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in economics at Penn State. I am very excited to be a part of Her Campus!