The Super Bowl is one of television’s most watched events and has the ability to bring friends and the entire family together. In honor of Super Bowl LIX (59) coming to your television on Feb. 9, here are five of the hundreds of creative Super Bowl commercials throughout the years.
- CeraVe (2024)
In fifth place, we have a CeraVe commercial narrated by Michael Cera. This play on words makes the audience believe, even for a second, that he actually is the creator of this brand. Michael Cera has acted in films such as “Superbad,” “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” and even “Barbie.”
Cera is especially recognized for his awkward demeanor, which he perfectly encapsulates in this commercial. Through magical narwhals and mountain climbing, not only does this provide a sense of humor to the audience, but every scene illustrates how majestic this moisturizing cream makes you feel.
- Bubly (2019)
Similar to the previous commercial, many brands use the advertising tactic of a celebrity cameo in order to show that even these people we see so highly also enjoy the product. In this case, the brand of Bubly Sparkling Water used Micheal Bublé, another case of play on words (coincidentally, both actors named Michael).
This commercial repeats the name of the drink dozens of times, which truly is able to now resonate in one’s head, causing this product to be extremely memorable. By using such a respected singer for this and showing how he’s practically going through a crisis trying to get people to pronounce the drink his certain way, he genuinely shows the value of importance it has to even someone on his level.
- Tubi (2023)
Next up, we have the famous Tubi commercial that left entire families in havoc while watching the 2023 Super Bowl. After the commercial break, the extremely anticipated game of the Chiefs vs. the Eagles finally came back on television. This only lasts about four seconds before it looks like someone is clicking on the Tubi app on the TV, completely turning off the game. We learned soon after that this was all part of the commercial and a way to advertise Tubi, which the creators absolutely succeeded in because this was one of the most talked about commercials of its time.
Many stories have been told on social media of friends screaming at one another, families going crazy because the game was “shut off” and accusations flying around everywhere. This commercial absolutely nailed it because it didn’t even have someone explaining all of the features of Tubi. Instead this illusion of shutting off the game had everybody bringing it up for weeks.
- Cetaphil (2024)
For Cetaphil’s commercial that appeared last Super Bowl, they decided to take a different route. This specific advertisement struck the hearts of their viewers and is very emotional for a variety of people. This communicates the relationship between a father and daughter and how they are brought together by the Super Bowl.
Kansas City has played in almost the last five Super Bowls and will be returning once again this year. Kelce plays tight end for the Chiefs, and he is now known to the girls because of his relationship with Taylor Swift.
Swift has made an unbelievable impact on the world in the past few years, and even friendship bracelets are being traded in her name. In this commercial, we can see that the father is wearing one of these friendship bracelets while the daughter is wearing a football jersey of the Chiefs colors (and 13 representing Swift’s lucky number). This product was able to convey a bond to the hearts of many fans of both football and Swift and demonstrates a genuine connection between a father and daughter.
- PopCorners (2023)
Finally, taking the award for the most creative Super Bowl commercial is Popcorners 2023 advertisement.
Actors Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul are reprising the roles of beloved characters Walter White and Jesse Pinkman. These two individuals starred in the series “Breaking Bad,” which was released in 2008. 15 years later, they returned to the screen together, capturing the attention of many fans.
In the series, Walt and Jesse are known for running a drug business. Putting a spin on this and relating it to the product of Popcorners, they explain how they are cooked so meticulously while still tasting even more incredible. While being able to entertain viewers with the classic humor from their hit television series, Cranston and Paul are also able to truly communicate how appetizing these chips are and the different flavors they appear in.
I hope these five past Super Bowl commercials allowed you to see into the gifted minds of their creators and the significance of advertising in our current world today. Continue to grow your excitement for the upcoming Super Bowl on Feb. 9, where even more memorable commercials may air for the first time.