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5 Thoughts You Have When Your Friends are Dieting!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Berks chapter.

For the past couple of weeks some friends of mine decided to try and turn over a new leaf and do the inevitable for the New Year—diet. I am not one who likes to really make resolutions often, but if I did, dieting would never cross my mind; unless of course it was necessary for my health. Having friends who were trying to diet didn’t seem like it would affect me in any way; however, I’ve learned that it actually has! It’s really a struggle for the person who isn’t dieting because your friends are so cautious about what they eat that it could literally drive you insane! For instance, those fast food runs that has become a ritual for the group, kiss them goodbye! To make a long story short, check out some of the thoughts that might pop up if all of your friends are dieting!

1. While all of your friends are worried about how many calories that burger will have, you’re just gloating at the mere fact that you don’t have to worry about anything except eating whatever the heck you want!



2. You have a sudden thought that maybe you should try to diet after all, and then reality hits!


3. Dieting doesn’t matter to you because, well, you’re either not interested in catching a date, or you’re in a relationship and not worried about impressing your man!


4. If you ever offer them something forgetting they can’t have it, you’ll definitely receive some shady looks! That’s when you have to tell them to chill out!


5. They keep complaining about not being able to eat anymore carbs or sweets? Oh well!

Bree McKenney is a senior Professional Writing major at Penn State Berks. She is the Campus Correspondent for the Her Campus chapter at Berks and she's also involved in the Blue&White Society. In addition to that, she is currently an RA, Peer Mentor, Multicultural Mentor, and a S.A.I.L. Mentor. She loves fashion and has been writing style blogs for Her Campus for a year now.