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Struggles of Going to a School That Never Cancels

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Behrend chapter.

The dreaded season of winter has officially arrived. Snow, cold and sickness have now plagued us all and nothing, (and I mean nothing) is worse than surviving the winter season as a college student. While some of you are lucky enough to receive 17 snow days between Halloween and Valentine’s Day, there are the select few of us that are all-too-familiar with the struggles that come with attending a school that never, ever cancels, as told by our favorite Gilmore Girls.


Going to bed excited knowing you are going to get a snow day because of the expected overnight snowstorm.

Texting all of your roomies before bed making plans for the most epic snow day ever.

Waking up to 0 cancelled or delayed classes—your hopes and dreams of the perfect snow day crushed.


Receiving emails from your professor…reminding you that class will still be held.

Wearing 3 coats, 2 pairs of socks and 4 scarves, hoping you don’t freeze walking from your car to class in the below 0 wind-chill.


Arriving at class and hearing the “If I have to come so do you” speech from your professor.



Realizing that you didn’t do your assignment because you were 109% sure class would be cancelled.


Checking social media and seeing that your friends, who go to different schools, have been blessed with cancellations.


Checking those same accounts and seeing students from your alma mater complaining about receiving a delay and not a full cancellation.



Coming home from the longest day ever, and realizing you’ll have to do it all over again tomorrow, because your school never, ever cancels.



And when our campuses do cancel (usually making history), we believe a statue should be placed in commemorating our wonderful Chancellors and Deans. 


Photo Credit: 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13   

Paige is a senior communication major at Penn State Erie- The Behrend College. She loves all dogs, T. Swift songs, and enjoys long, romantic walks to the nearest coffee shop. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter: @paigemoldovan