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New Phone Who This: Google Pixel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Behrend chapter.

I have been a diehard Apple fan since I was allowed to have smartphones. I have owned the iPhone 4, 5c, 6s, and the 7. But since coming to college and being friends with people that love Androids I have been exposed to the beautiful world of the Google Pixel.


Apple and the world of iPhones have always held a place in my heart. I love the way they are laid out and the overall simplicity of it. The way that things are just there and never having any need for downloading certain apps when they were already on the phone itself. On the downside, the stock app was not able to be deleted until a few updates ago and let me tell you that I truly and utterly disliked that app. That was not the only issue I ever had with Apple, but I digress. Apple life was all wonderful rainbows, unicorns, and fairy farts until one day my lovely rose gold iPhone 7 decided to turn off while it had 40% battery life. I was so confused and not gonna lie a little hurt, my whole life was on that thing and it just decided to not? My confusion turned to anger when randomly my apps would crash, my texts would not send, and I couldn’t open the Snapchat app. The third time I had to delete Snapchat and reinstall it I asked some friends if they knew of any fixes, mind you these friends all love Android OS and Abhor Apple. Their fixes were simple, get rid of Apple and get a new phone. I started doing my research, looking at different phones and asking more rational people, like my bank account, if I could afford the switch.


Enter Google like a knight in shining armor. I looked at their reviews, added myself to their mailing lists, and hoped that this could work. Upon more research, I noticed that Google’s phone, the Pixel, was only offered through one phone carrier, Verizon, but also available through the Google Store and they even allowed you to pay in installments. Basically all of the wonderful things that a phone carrier offers without the need for contracts and other binding agreements. I ordered my Pixel 2 XL, which coming from a regular sized iPhone to the XL version was a bit of a jump, but nevertheless, I hit that lovely order button.


My Pixel came within a reasonable time, I believe it was about a week and nothing was broken or needed to be replaced. I took the phone out of the box, followed the prompts, and connected my iPhone to my Pixel. The whole process took roughly 30 minutes but take into consideration user error and my inability to read/follow directions properly. After those 30 minutes, everything was switched over and my Pixel was up and running and ever since then my life has been a place of wonderfulness with a phone that works, doesn’t randomly shut off, and most importantly takes fire Insta pics.


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Alicia Matos

PS Behrend

Avid napper and lover of all things travel related. Penn State Behrend
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Kayla McEwen

PS Behrend

Kayla A. McEwen: President and Campus Correspondent  Senior at Penn State Behrend Marketing & Professional Writing Major Part-time dreamer and full-time artist Lover of art, fashion, witty conversation, winged eyeliner, and large cups of warm beverages.