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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Behrend chapter.


 As someone who has had about five jobs since I was fourteen, I have seen a lot. I have worked in many different environments from a horse stable to a law firm. One of the craziest events I have witnessed happened while I was working at a fast food restaurant when I  was fifteen. I used to work every chance I could when I was younger because I loved saving money. As a result, I worked every holiday I could to earn extra cash. I ended up working St. Patty’s Day one year, which wouldn’t have been that much of a big deal, but in Buffalo, people love going all out on this day. I had already been in school for seven hours and had just started my shift.  Immediately, I was cashing out drunk customers who desired French fries and a milkshake.


After awhile I had gotten used to customers slurring their orders a little bit or forgetting where they had left their wallet, so it was not out of the ordinary when two men came in looking extremely disoriented. They were very annoying to say the least, but quickly got their food and left. Later I noticed that some customers seemed agitated while ordering. Then, two women came in horrified and demanding to speak to one of my managers. After a little bit of investigating, me and my coworker figured out that the two men from earlier were doing heroin in the parking lot and harassing everyone that came in.

To this day, I’m still not sure how he thought to do this, but my coworker went outside and instead of confronting them, he took a picture of their license plate. By doing this, he was able to help the police find them easily. People have all sorts of weird and crazy work stories, but this one seems to be one of the craziest of them all. I never would have expected to encounter something like this at my job considering it’s in the heart of an affluent suburban area. It’s one of those memories I won’t forget. https://giphy.com/search/mad




For the past four plus years, I’ve worked at several places and it seems like the craziest ones happened at my first job, McDonalds. I was the drive through/counter girl and I took people’s orders, cashed them out and cleaned the restaurant as well as the dishes. I probably can’t even remember probably half of the crazy stories since that was two years ago but I did work at the fast food chain for two years. Yet, I will never forget the one Sunday I was working. It was not the best shift since I was counter girl (I preferred drive through) and it was 10 am when this couple came in with their child.

The adults looked completely out of it (stoned or something) and was not the most prepared either. They looked at the menu for more than ten minutes with their child walking all around them, trying to decide what to get. It dragged on and on and I thought the couple were about to fall asleep or die or something standing. Unfortunately I wish I got a manager involved as the child might have been neglected to an extent but I didn’t. I wasn’t thinking and I can’t change my actions of that day two years ago. I just did my given job unfortunately. But I guess crack heads coming to McDonalds in the AM is nothing too crazy, but maybe just sad when animals/children are involved.


Emma Cronk

PS Behrend '23

I am currently a freshman at Penn State Behrend, studying to be an Accountant. I enjoy coffee, Drake, and dressing up!
Julia Fitzgibbon

PS Behrend '22

Sophomore at Penn State Behrend Nutrition major with a biology minor Professional procrastinator with a coffee addiction Workout and dog enthusiast
Ramsey Struble

PS Behrend '21

Penn State Behrend//Biology Pre-Optometry