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Why Chocolate Should be your New Study Food

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

I don’t know about you, but I know I love chocolate. Did you know that, if eaten in moderation, dark chocolate (DARK chocolate!) can be beneficial to your body? Well I am here to tell you that, yes, yes it can. So, how can you make the most of your next study sesh? Eat dark chocolate. How can you turn that frown upside-down? Eat dark chocolate. How can you be motivated to persevere the morning after a long, late, homework-filled night? Eat dark chocolate.  Here are 3 scientifically proven reasons to how eating dark chocolate can benefit you.   

1. Eating dark chocolate makes you happy.

Dark chocolate boosts the production of endorphins in your body. Endorphins are the “feel good” chemical that your body produces, often triggering feelings of euphoria, or what athletes like to call, “the workout high”. In moderation, chocolate may be able to get you out of a rut or through a down point in your week.


2. Dark chocolate improves all things education: learning, memory, and focus.

Cocoa, as most know, comes from a plant. – A quick science lesson! Flavonoids are chemicals, found in all plants, that gather in certain areas of brain, such as those involved in learning, memory, and the hippocampus. – These chemicals help increase the function of the area they are next to, i.e. the limbic system which deals with memory. Sooooo, in short, when studying, eat dark chocolate at the same time and your memory about the topic may be improved.  

3. Dark chocolate helps to relieve stress.

Chocolate contains large amounts of magnesium, which suppresses the release of stress hormones in the brain. This is your golden ticket through any stressful situation.

You now have a nice study treat to look forward to when you hit the books before your next big test! Good luck, study hard, and eat some dark chocolate!


Hello! I am an Elementary Education major at the University of Portland. I love writing, the outdoors, swimming, reading, drinking tea, and watching movies. I am a firm believer that to live a successful life you must do what makes you happy. :)