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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

These last couple weeks before Spring Break really means one thing… MIDTERMS! With all of the studying that I know my friends and I have been doing, I thought it would be helpful to have some study tips to help maximize your studying so that you can ace those exams and have a fun and relaxing spring break! These tips have really worked for me and I hope they work for you too!

1.     Practice Problems: No matter what class you take practice always makes perfect! Whether you are practicing some ochem problems, thesis statements, or how you want to deliver a presentation, the more practice you do the more confident you will feel! This will help you rock that test, paper, or presentation!

2.     Office Hours: Some of the best study tips that I have ever gotten have been directly from my professor! They know how to help you succeed in their class and what the best study strategies are so that you will do well! Office hours are also a great time to get some one-on-one help and to connect with other students as well! Don’t be afraid to go into your professor! It’s their job to help!

3.     Daily Notes Review: I’ve learned that it’s best to go over the notes that you take in class for just a few minutes each day to keep the information fresh in your mind. It’s super helpful to keep up with material so that if there is a concept that you don’t really understand you can get help immediately and don’t have to try and cram it all in the night before an exam!

4.     Study Groups: There’s nothing better than being able to be social and study at the same time! Study group are a great way to get everyone together and talk about material for an upcoming test. They say if you are able to teach someone else the material then you have it down! It’s a great way to talk material out and make sure you understand what it’s all about!

College is the time where you really learn how best you study! Don’t be afraid to ask others for help and have some fun while you are at it too! Work hard because Spring Break is just around the corner! Happy Studying! 

Hi Friends! My name is Sam and I'm a senior Biology major at UP. I'm also the 4th floor RA in Mehling (the best dorm ever)! Here are a few things that I love right now: tea, friends, sunshine, bows, scarves, salted caramel anything, and hand-written letters. I'm so excited to be a member of Her Campus here at UP and can't wait to share new and fun things with everyone!
Hailing from eastern Washington, Julia attends the University of Portland in Oregon, as a Communication Studies major with an emphasis on Journalism. As a magazine and book junkie, Julia reads everything (and anything) she can get her hands on, especially those passionate on young adult culture and entertainment. A woman that gets stir-crazy easily, Julia has been fortunate to have traveled many summers in a row to foreign countries, including a study abroad course in Austria, Germany, and Great Britain. Since a ripe age, she has grown and cultivated her passion and dream of working for a magazine and spreading awareness as well as happiness through the tips of her fingers. Always finding time for herself, Julia can frequently be found quoting movie lines (most frequently Will Ferrell or Vince Vaughn), having a 90's dance party with her roommates, or rereading "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" for the 40th time.