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Meet Social Work Major, Sarah!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

Sarah was one of the first people I have met at the University of Portland. I met her on a bus to a freshman service event! We bonded over late night Netflix sessions and baking nights. She was the perfect person for me to write this profile on.

1. What attracted you to UP?

I liked that the school is small enough so your professors would know who you were. I liked how there was a social work program, because some colleges had only a psychology department. I came and met with the director of the social work program my sophomore year of high school. She was really nice and answered all my questions. She said, “this is what it would be like to go to school here.” It really helped me compare and contrast UP with other colleges. 

2. What clubs or other on-campus activities are you involved in? How is this the same or different from your high school activities?

I like college activities more, because there is more you can be involved in in college than in my high school.  I love Global Aid club because I am passionate about brainstorming solutions for globalpoverty. It’s not a big time commitment either! I also really like Her Campus, because you can explore your creative writing side without having to explore a specific subject like in an English class.

3. What is your favorite thing to do in Portland on the weekend?

I really like going with my friends to explore parts of Portland, getting food to eat and going to some weird and quirky spots. I like to hike and do fun things on campus too.

4. What is one thing you want to do before you graduate that you haven’t done yet?

I want to work with DHS!

5. How would your friends describe you?

Kind, outgoing and bubbly. I think of myself as really friendly and extroverted!

6. What are your tips to reducing stress and staying balanced in college?

Breaks are really important. Sometimes you just need to step away. When I am stuck writing a ten page paper, I sometimes need to go on a break, take a walk, or go to the gym. Talking with friends is helpful. I like to talk to my mom or my faith community when I am stressed.

7. Summer break is soon arriving! What are your plans?

Internships and working. My boss from my old summer job told me that I could come back if I wanted! 

Hello, my name is Madison Hughes! I love creative writing, reading historical fiction, baking, and running! I am from California and I am studying in Portland. This will be my Junior year, and my first year writing for HerCampus. :)