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Meet Mariah, Graham, RA of Shipstad 1B!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.


Name: Mariah Graham 

Year: Junior 

Major: social work major; social justice and theology minors 

Hometown: Strawberry, California 

What’s your favorite thing about attending UP? 

What I love most about the University of Portland is the community and the opportunities that students have. Because it’s a smaller school, everybody seems to know everybody and I love that I can walk to class and always see at least one person I know on the way there. It also doesn’t hurt that UP’s so close to the mountains and the gorge, because I love only having to drive an hour to go on a hike or to go skiing at Mt. Hood. 


What’s it like being a Shipstad Hall Resident Assistant? 

Being an RA has been one of the hardest but most rewarding experiences of my life so far. I love getting to know all of my residents and being able to talk to them every day and while becoming part of their lives. Holding this position has taught me so much about myself, and even after just a semester and I’m so excited to keep growing and working alongside my Shipmates. 


How did you first get involved with the rowing team? What’s your favorite thing about being a part of it? 

I heard about the rowing team at the beginning of freshman year, but because of some scheduling conflicts, I was unable to join at the time. I ended up joining the novice team my sophomore year and this year I am on the Varsity squad and have a small scholarship. My favorite thing about rowing is the girls and the things that it has taught me about myself. Getting to wake up (even if it is way too early) and workout and laugh with 30 of my friends every morning is such a blessing and I wouldn’t trade that experience for the world. And while rowing is such a difficult sport physically, it has really shown me that I am capable of so much more than I thought I was and that I can accomplish anything that I set my mind to. 


Are you planning on doing anything for Thanksgiving this year? 

This Thanksgiving I am going up to Gig Harbor, Washington to spend the holiday with my friend Nicole and her family. It’s pretty expensive to travel home to California just for a few days and Nicole and her family have been amazing in opening up their home to “strays” like me these past few years. ❤❤