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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.


Name: Lauren Haruno

Position: Mehling Assistant Hall Director

Hometown: Mililani, Hawaii

College: University of Notre Dame

Favorite Food: Cupcakes

Favorite Song at the Moment: Let Me Hold You- Cheat Codes & Dante Klein


What are you studying at UP?

Masters in Higher Education and Student Affairs

Why did you come to UP?

I love working with college students and hopefully one day I will be serving this population.  There’s no better way to get know students than to live with them!

What are you looking forward to this year?

Getting to know all dem Mehlingers and eating a bunch of Thai Food at all the local restaurants. 

What does being an Assitant Hall Director, AHD consist of?

There are administrative and relational components to my work.  I do my best to make sure that Mehling happenings are running smoothly.  I also try my best to foster warmth and community among my residents.

What’s your favorite thing thus far about UP?

I am consistently impressed by the welcoming spirit and goodness of the individual that I am honored to walk among EACH DAY!!!