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Meet Gardener Extrodinare, Molly Burke

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

Get to know our community garden club’s new president: the smart, plant-loving, ever-punny, Molly Burke. 

Name: Molly Burke

Year: Freshman

Major: Environmental Ethics and Policy

Hometown: Denton, Texas

What clubs are you a part of?

I’m in Slug Garden and College Ecology.

What do you do as president of the SLUG Community Garden?

I help with organizing club events and work days. I coordinate events.

Is it hard being a freshman in college and juggling the responsibility of running a club?

Between class, work, clubs, and getting to know Portland, it can be overwhelming at times. But, I love the garden and really hope to create a space for all students to enjoy.

Is there anything new or fun in store for the garden this semester?

This semester we are completely redesigning the garden. We’re planning on moving toward a more organized layout and hopefully this includes more seating and common spaces for student use. It’s a huge step and it’s gonna take a lot of work but ultimately it’ll be worth it.

How did you get involved in SLUG? How did you hear about the club?

I first heard about SLUG at the student activities fair.

What does being apart of the SLUG Community Garden club typically entail?

We’re a pretty flexible club. If you can make it to a work day we usually…turnup… Our work days are times for students to take a break from school and come out to get some sunshine. It’s a casual community that is connected by our love of the outdoors and willingness to try new things.

Have you always been interested in gardening? When did you start?

I worked at a plant nursery from 8th grade all the way through high school. I think that’s where my love of plants took…root. In high school I started our school’s community garden and SLUG has allowed me to continue working in this setting.

Why or how is it important to you? Has it impacted your life in any way?

I love the garden! It’s a welcoming environment where students can escape the pressures of college life. It’s definitely forced me to get out of my comfort zone and reach out to other students who share similar interests.

I'm a junior psychology major at the University of Portland. I'm an portrait photographer, intersectional feminist and Vice President of UP's Feminist Discussion Group, an activist, lover of reading and writing, and member of the LGBT+ community.