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How to Celebrate Halloween on a Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

Halloween is almost here and I could not be more excited! As a budding adult there are four important things to consider when making your holiday plans. Candy, decor, costume, and entertainment. While Halloween is extremely fun, it doesn’t have to be expensive. So these are some ways you can celebrate Halloween without breaking the bank. 


UP celebrates HALLoween, which means kids from all over the neighborhood can come trick-or-treat in the dorm rooms. If you’re planning on handing out candy try and get it in bulk at stores like Walmart or the Fredmeyer that is super close to campus. And to make it even cheaper split the candy buying responsibility between you and your roommate.


Another cool tradition that the dorm halls uphold are the door decorating competitions. If you are determined to win, but are on the typical college student budget you have to be wise about where you buy your decorations. The Dollar Store has a huge variety of decorations and all for super cheap (duh, 1$). 


All of the awesome costumes above were created from Goodwill finds. I know because I’m the red head two people in from the right. If your friend group wants to dress up like the Breakfast Club like mine did, hit the local Goodwill for a really cheap costume. 


So every Halloween I find myself making the decision to either go out and find a party or stay in and watch a classic Halloween movie. If you often choose the second option, keep in mind that the library has movies like: Beetle Juice, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and of course Hocus Pocus. And they’re all FO FREE. If you usually like to go out to celebrate Halloween then the Pilots After Dark event on the 31st at 10 PM might be for you! Just keep your eyes peeled for posters because it’s bound to be fun AND FREE. 


Kelsie is from Klamath Falls, Oregon. She is a sophomore pursuing a Political Science and Spanish Double Major at the University of Portland. She has five brothers and two sisters. Her hobbies include hiking, watching movies, and telling bad jokes.