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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

In my first few weeks on campus I’ve come to the realization that studying is a real thing. It’s quite simply, a necessity. If you’re studious and efficient then you’ll have time leftover later on to enjoy the college experience. Here are a few tips and tricks to make studying a lot less daunting and a lot more rewarding:

1. Make some tea.

Tea is great way to focus the mind. It makes you feel warm, fuzzy and happy while simultaneously stimulating your brain to keep you up and alert during your studies. An added bonus: green tea can help enhance memory!


2. Listen to music.

If you often get side tracked, which many of us do, listening to music can help keep your mind focused on the important topic at hand. Just be sure you’re listening to soft, gentle music without words, not your favorite workout station on Spotify.


3. Abandon all electronics.

Who are we kidding, we’ve all had that moment when we tell ourselves “today’s the day I’m going to be productive!” and then, one look at your phone or the TV and all hope is lost. Unless you need a computer, electronics should be stowed during homework time. It’s as simple as that. Let your friends know that for the next hour you will be in “study mode” and then set the phone aside. You’ll thank yourself later.


4. Create a clean, organized area.

When the area around you is nice and clean, it’s easier to become more absorbed in your studies. Use space to your advantage, spread out your papers and books. When you can see everything at once, it’s easier to direct your attention to the most pressing assignments.


5. Have chocolate on hand.

I mean honestly, it’s the best pick-me-up around. I would suggest dark chocolate to give you a boost of energy. Set a chocolate eating schedule if you must. After two assignments are completed…chocolate!


I hope these tips make your study day more enjoyable and productive!

Hello! I am an Elementary Education major at the University of Portland. I love writing, the outdoors, swimming, reading, drinking tea, and watching movies. I am a firm believer that to live a successful life you must do what makes you happy. :)