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Wood Street Galleries: Finnbogi Petursson

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.

Finnbogi Petursson’s SECOND/SECOND exhibit is currently at the Wood Street Galleries (the building above the T station) at the end of Wood St. This is the Iceland native’s first solo exhibition in the United States and it’s right here in the heart of Pittsburgh. The gallery is home to two of his installations, Tesla Tune and Infra – Supra.The exhibition is at the gallery until December 31, 2014. 


Tesla Tune – a series of different length pipes hanging from the ceiling. Each plays a different sound, but has the same frequency. The length of each pipe changes the percieved sound of the changed frequency.

The pipes are very long and take up most of the room. Each of the pipes has a current transformer in the beginning of them to emit sound. Visitors are free to explore the whole room and listen to each pipe closely, as well as all together from farther away.





Infra – Supra – a set of three sine waves in a pool of water covering the floor. Spotlights create the reflection to be displayed on the wall behind the pool. Each wavemaker is on a set time. At certain points only one will be moving, then two, then three.


When all three wavemakers are together, the reflections on the wall come together to create more elaborate pictures of the waves. Ripples from each direction and each wave are seen and used to create these images. The wall begins to look like it itself is also covered in water.

Haleigh Kopinski is a senior Creative Writing major with a minor in Psychology at Point Park University. Haleigh started out as a contributing writer and photographer for Her Campus Point Park and is now a Co-Campus Correspondent. When she's not writing or hanging out with her boyfriend she enjoys going to Pirates games, taking pictures, drawing, eating at new places, and going to concerts. She works at Olive Garden while she is home from school and when it's not taking up her summer time she loves boating on the Allegheny River. She is currently in the process of planning a cross-country road trip which will become a featurelength documentary. You can learn more about the trip at facebook.com/getbornfilm or indiegogo.com/projects/get-born/x/6924599#home If you like reading her pieces be sure to follow her at twitter.com/haleighkopinski or xfrankthetankx.tumblr.com to see some personal wit.