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When Love Bites: How to Deal with Hickies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Why on earth do we give one another big bright bruises on our necks that say “LOOK AT ME! I JUST DID SOMETHING SEXUAL RECENTLY”? Hickies have been around since the beginning of time. Why, though, we’re still not sure. Here is the Her Campus advice on how to get rid of them–some funny and some especially useful.

“My strategy is just to hang my head in shame and avoid eye contact. Doesn’t really get rid of hickeys per se, but it’s the next best thing.”


“Cold spoon and an unholy amount of foundation”

“Creative excuses, my ex once told his best friend he ran into a bookshelf”


“I’ve heard rub a penny on it, but from my experience it did not work” 


“Da turtleneck–which is back in style again”

“I’ve heard anything peppermint based, like peppermint toothpaste or peppermint oil. Also vitamin K” 


“Lightly rubbing it with a toothbrush is supposed to work but you have to be careful not to make it worse.”


“Don’t give a shit about what other people think and flaunt your bruises in pride. I’m currently rocking about twelve on my neck and don’t care who knows it. You gotta do you, right?”

“Brush it out gently with a toothbrush or comb, put some ice on it, then dab it with red lipstick and put foundation over it or if you have some nifty color correcting foundation, green cancels out red!!”


Photo Credits: 1, 2, 3, 4

Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt