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The Struggles of Walking Through a Snowy Oakland

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Winter has hit Oakland full force, and for many of us, that means having to battle the elements every day on our trek to class. Don’t worry. You’re not alone. We all understand the struggle that is winter in Pittsburgh.

1. Your alarm goes off and getting out of bed is impossible because not only is it early, but it is cold.

2.  Before heading outside you bundle up layer…by layer…by layer…

3. You open the door of your building and get SMACKED IN THE FACE BY ICY WINDS.

4.  OOOHHHH, LOOK HOW PRETTY EVERYTHING IS! It’s like a winter wonderla—You fall on your butt because even the slightest lapse in attention is enough to bring you down.

5. You stand up, walk it off, and hope no one has noticed.

6. Why is the salt blue? Oh, it’s pink here! Is that purp— Oops! You slip again!

7. In a desperate attempt to regain your balance, you wave your arms around like you’re in The Matrix. Smooth.

8. Luckily, you catch yourself this time. Phew!

9. You’re almost late to class because you get stuck behind dozens of people stopped on the sidewalk to take snowy Cathy pictures to show Instagram how #blessed they are to go here.

10. Looking down, you see that the salty Oakland streets have destroyed yet another pair of shoes.

11. You finally get to class and have to unbundle immediately because SUDDENLY YOU’RE IN THE FIERY PITS OF HELL!

12. Class ends but everyone awkwardly hangs around for ten minutes to re-layer before heading back out into the arctic tundra that is Oakland.

13. You go back outside and realize that when you look past the gross slushy streets and the life-threatening ice patches, campus is pretty beautiful in the snow. You know what, go ahead and take that Cathy pic.

Image credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt