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A Positive Message For Those That Need A Pick-Me-Up: You Are A Princess

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Hey, girl. I know life is tough at times. It seems like you have the whole world on your shoulders and if one thing falls, then everything follows behind. There are times you’re going to want to just cry for hours upon hours. There are times where you want to stay in your bed with sad music and pretend that life isn’t really happening. Girls have it rough. I know that I personally want to be this ideal, successful, attractive woman. I want my grades to be good, my social life to be exciting, and to look good at every single hour of the day. However, I’ll have a day where a guy I really like rejects me. Or I’m feeling extra sensitive about my weight and compare myself to girls skinnier than I am. I might just be having an off day where it feels like nothing is going well and I have no idea how to keep going through the week. You might have those days, too. You might have days where you feel worthless, hopeless, and like no one is listening to anything you have to say. You might be seeking out encouragement and for someone to acknowledge that yes, you exist and yes, you are perfect the way you are.

You are so strong. You are capable of bringing a new life into this world. You are capable of crying your eyes out all night long but waking up with a smile on your face. You are resilient and capable of so much more than you ever thought you could achieve. You are so much more than the sexist slurs he shouted at you when you refused to give him your body. You are so much more than what those girls said behind your back. You are so much more than your grades, than the hours you put into trying to look like the girls in the magazines. It’s the way you sing Christmas songs throughout November. It’s the way you consider jumping around your room a form of dance. It’s the way you light up when someone gives you a balloon. It’s the way wearing makeup and dressing nice makes you feel like a princess. It’s the way that not wearing makeup and wearing a onesie in the middle of the day makes you feel happiest. It’s the way you prefer dessert for breakfast and eating your foods separately that make you uniquely you.

I don’t want to say that someone will love you for who you are, because you already know that. I want to say that one day you’re going to look in the mirror and realize that you have got it going on. You are sexy, you are gorgeous, the way you smile and laugh make you even more lovely, and you do not need to change to please anyone.

So on the bad days where you can’t seem to get out of bed and you dislike everything about yourself because of something someone said, remember this: You’re going to wake up one day and smile the biggest you’ve ever smiled. And it’s going to be because for the first time, you love yourself for you. You don’t love yourself because someone else loves you. You don’t love yourself because your life is going okay for the time being. You love yourself despite the bad times because there’s no one else on this world that has your fun and quirky personality and looks as gorgeous as you do in a onesie. So get up, brush yourself off, and wear your crown. You are a princess, and it’s time someone told you that.  


Photo Credit: 1 (author’s own), 2

Attending the University of Pittsburgh and just choosing to be happy every single day! :)
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