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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Name: Erin Milone

Year: Freshman 

Major(s): Communications and Marketing

Relationship Status: Taken (Sorry, boys!)

This week’s Campus Cutie is the one and only Erin Milone! From the moment I saw this girl’s post in the 2019 Pitt Facebook group, I knew she was the one for me. Countless Taylor Swift jam sessions later, I’m so grateful to call Erin not only my roommate but a true friend. As a Long Island native and Chick-fil-A assistant manager, Erin is constantly on the go! Thankfully, despite her busy schedule she found the time (actually, we share a room so she had no other choice) to do this interview. Meet the sweetest girl at Pitt, Erin Milone!

Her Campus: Sooo, you’re taken! Tell me about that.

Erin: I’ve been dating a boy for about a year and a half. I met him through my job back at home when we were in high school. He lives in Philly and I live in Pittsburgh but we’re making it work. 

HC: Awe. Do you have any advice for other long distance lovebirds?

EM: Uh, definitely take the time to make sure your communication is straight. Whatever that takes, whether it be phone calls or video chatting just make sure you’re constantly communicating with them and keeping up the connection you had previously. 

HC: What activities do you do outside of school? When you’re not editing papers for me, of course. 

EM: Outside of school I’m involved in two clubs that are related to my major: Women in Business and the Pitt Communications Club where we do a lot networking events. I’m also involved in a freshman publication called Fresh U where I edit articles that appear on an online magazine/blog type website pertaining to freshmen at Pitt. 

HC: Very cool. So, you work out…a lot…

EM: I try!

HC: How do you stay motivated? What’s your exercise routine?

EM: Um, well I essentially just started pushing myself into doing like six days a week and then one day of rest. Once I got into the routine of it I’m a perfectionist, so since I started that routine I didn’t want to stop. Whether it’s thirty minutes or an hour I just like to do something to get active. It’s really easy to do at Pitt because they have a lot of good fitness centers and machines to use.

HC: How do you like dorm life so far? Do you like living with someone? I know this is a loaded question since I’m your roommate but still…

EM: I actually really like the community, especially in Towers because everybody is a freshman so we’re all in the same boat. Living on a floor with lots of other girls has been really helpful because I know people I can study with and I’ve made friends. Living with another person…I can see how it might go wrong but as long as you find someone like you…

HC: Awe (!!!)

EM: …as long as they’re similar to you and aren’t crazy then it’s very easy to live with someone else. 

HC: Now for the hard hitting questions! Are you a dog or cat person?

EM: Oh man. Well, I’m a dog person because I was raised that way. My dad and my sister are very allergic to cats. I have nothing against cats, I’ve just never had one before. But my dog is very docile so I guess I could consider her a cat.

HC: Well I know for a fact you’re a Taylor Swift person, so what’s your favorite Taylor Swift song? 

EM: My favorite sad Taylor Swift song to listen to is “You’re Not Sorry” and my favorite happy-ish Taylor Swift song that I can just jam to is “Holy Ground!”

HC: Good Choice. So what is the wildest or weirdest thing that has happened to you so far at Pitt? Keep in mind that your future employers and mom (Hey, Kathy!) might get their hands on this.

EM: Hmm. Oh! The wildest thing is that I went to the outlets and won a $500 shopping spree, which was essentially the best day of my life.

HC: I’m still really jealous of you because of that. Tell me something you’ve never told anyone else. 

EM: Something I’ve never told anyone else? Dang, that’s a hard one. I’m a very open person you see, that’s the problem!

There you have it folks! Erin Milone: dog person, Taylor Swift fan, and roommate extraordinaire!

Photo Credits: All photos provided by the cutie 


Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt