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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

I thought there was a greater chance of my going to the moon than doing this. I attended a Donald Trump rally.

I was expecting to walk in and be greeted by a redneck waving an American flag in my face. To my dismay, I was welcomed into the Trump party family by two very successful business women excited to see a young woman looking for a similar stature in the future. When we got up to the rally there was a three-mile line of 10,000 energetic people, excited to see their “future president” speak those sweet words of wisdom. The majority of people knew they weren’t getting in, but they wanted to be there to hang onto every single word. Thankfully I had a VIP pass, so I got to skip the line. I walked into the venue and I felt as though I was swimming in a sea of red, white, and blue. Since the main event was running late, I got to witness the pre-rally ritual we don’t see on the internet.  First, they had a priest come up and bring the supporters together with a prayer. Next was the pledge of allegiance. But my favorite part was when they performed the national anthem. After all my years of being the only person to sing at sporting events, I couldn’t hear my own voice because everyone was singing with pride for their country.

Before Trump was even onstage the military personal had been thanked four times. Since Trump was late, there was a congressional T-shirt toss. It was so funny to watch government officials try controlling who they threw to. I think at least one person got two separate T-shirts. While I was waiting for Trump to show up, I was walking around looking at all the differently dressed patriots. I saw a little bow dressed as super-Trump and two other men wearing twin Trump collage shirts. It was nice to see everyone coming together for the same purpose, because they love their country and hope this is the best opportunity for it to flourish.

When Trump finally showed up, we all got a really cool view of his plane that was almost as close to us as he was. It was interesting to hear him speak in person because there was no mediator to change words around to tell me he is racist and a horrible option for president. From what I heard he just sounded like a presidential nominee who didn’t really know what he was talking about. From that rally, I did not take away the idea that Trump is a white supremacist. In all honesty, I didn’t see anyone at the rally who seemed to be that way. I don’t think I would have come up with the same thoughts had I not gone and experienced this for myself.

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This article does not reflect the views of Her Campus or Her Campus Pitt. 

Casey Schmauder is a Campus Correspondent and the President of Her Campus at the University of Pittsburgh. She is a senior at Pitt studying English Nonfiction Writing with a concentration in Public and Professional Writing.