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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Thinking of studying abroad? Already committed? Either way, don’t you wish you could just jump on a plane and go? Unfortunately, our semester away takes a little more effort than that and a lot of planning. Here are some things to keep in mind while starting your study abroad discussion.

Plan Ahead

Planning ahead for your study abroad semester is essential. The further out you plan it, the smoother the transition will be for both you and your school. Most colleges suggest you start thinking about study abroad one year out. If you are in a rigid curriculum you might have to start the conversation your first semester at the university. You will probably be filling out paperwork and making finalized decisions the semester before you go.

Pick Your Program

Every major university has an extensive study abroad selection. It is important to look at all the options carefully. If you don’t know where to start, visit your study abroad office. They can help you with the first steps. The Pitt Study Abroad office is located on the 8th floor of the William Pitt Union. All programs are different and offer different experiences. Maybe you only want to go somewhere where you can speak the language, or maybe you want to go somewhere that you will have to learn their language. The answer to these questions dramatically changes your options. Different programs have different costs. Living abroad in a globally recognized city like Paris is going to cost way more than a smaller city like Lauterbrunnen.

Talk to Your Advisors

It is key to keep your advisors in the loop. The earlier they know that you want to study abroad, the more they can prepare answers to your questions. No advisor wants to tell you that you can’t study abroad, but their main priority is making sure you graduate. You might be surprised at what they can do for you and what programs they offer to their students. Sometimes there are programs that are major specific, and advisors promote. You should also make sure to check in with the financial aid office if you receive financial aid or scholarships. You definitely want scholarships abroad if you can.

Tie Up Any Loose Ends in the US

Studying abroad can be exciting and sometimes feel unreal. It is crucial to make sure your stressors are taken care of before you get on a plane. These can be relationships, housing, rent, friends or work. Taking care of these stressors will allow you to maximize your study abroad experience.


I’m sure since committing to a program you’ve been google imaging the exciting destinations you will soon be exploring. Although the images can be a great escape, it’s important to also do research on the place you are heading. I promise that you aren’t the first student studying there, so look for student blogs. Research the slang, the politics and maybe some current issues so you aren’t blindsided when you arrive. It’s never fun to learn the negative realities to a place you’re heading to, but being prepared will benefit you while abroad.

Get Excited

Lastly, but most importantly, get excited! You are studying abroad and about to have the best semester of your life! It might be the only time you get to live abroad! It might be a little scary to live overseas for a whole semester, but don’t let fear overrule the exciting adventure you’re about to experience.


Photo Credits: cover, 1, 2, 3

University of Pittsburgh Class of 2020 Dual major in Communication and Public & Professional Writing
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