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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

We’ve been waiting and it’s FINALLY here – an intense but slow-building season three of House of Cards. If you haven’t watched HOC yet, I beg you to start NOW. You don’t want to miss out on the television revolution it has started. In case you’re unaware, House of Cards starring Robin Wright, Kevin Spacey and Washington D.C., is the first of Netflix’s original content that debuted in 2013. The perk of this kind of programming is that it’s released entire seasons at a time – meaning it doesn’t play on any major television network, you stream it in the comfort of your own home ON YOUR OWN TIME.

I binged Seasons 1 and 2 around this time last year and have been eagerly waiting for Season 3 ever since. And boy, has this season been worth the wait. I’d like to describe it as “a doozy” – I literally have no other words. By now I’m sure you’ve finished all thirteen episodes and read a bunch of other articles about all the best parts (everyone does this right? Not just me? Ok, good). I won’t put you through that again so instead, let’s relive the season together in a different way: a vague list of the weirdest moments.

POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD – in chronological order. You’ll know exactly what I’m talking about if you’ve watched, but the season won’t be ruined for you if you still haven’t finished.

1. Stephen Colbert

2. Doug??? Sex worker?? Needle????

3. The egg

4. That one uncomfortable crying sex scene

5. Frank Underwood addressing me directly (Kevin Spacey is intimidating)

6. A surfboard

7. Beer pong in ball gowns

8. Real-life actual Pussy Riot music video

9. A questionable fourth wall break

10. That thing with Jesus

11. Gaming apps get a starring role

12. Claire, a bathroom, the Russian ambassador (Sidenote: not so much weird as just super awesome. This scene elicited a, “Yeah Claire, show him your power! You go girl!” response from me.)

13. Cornfields and moaning

14. The presidential leather jacket’s existence

15. A debate that is clearly not even trying to mimic real-life

16. That other uncomfortable almost sex scene in Iowa

17. The biggest shocker/reveal of the season isn’t someone dying

My final thoughts on the season: Claire Underwood for 2016.

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BA in Communication and Business Certificate in Digital Media University of Pittsburgh 2016   HC Pitt Business Manager & Social Media Manager 2015-2016 I like sleep and pop culture. @laurnace | laurnace@gmail.com *Opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect Her Campus or Her Campus Pitt as a whole nor do others' opinions necessarily reflect my own. 
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