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College As Told By How I Met Your Mother

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

College isn’t easy for anyone. If you think about it, the events that take place in How I Met Your Mother are actually very similar to a college student’s life. After finally realizing you can’t go to parties every day, and that you’re really there to get a degree, it can be pretty overwhelming. As How I Met Your Mother addicts, we can all relate in some way or another to the drama-filled lives of Ted, Robin, Barney, Marshall, and Lily. 

Waking up every morning is a challenge

When you walk into a class and realize you have friends in it

When you set a goal to go to the gym everyday

But then this happens…

When you completely forget that assignment was due today

When you start to question where your life is going

When your class is so boring you can’t even keep your eyes open

When you have zero assignments one week but three papers, two exams, and five presentations the next week

When your parents want to know every last detail about your day

When you attempt to balance school work, sleep, and your social life

When you decide you’re going to wait until the night before the paper is due to start writing it

When you make it through midterm week alive

When you’re at a party and some creeps are checking you out

When you hit your lowest point because your debit card gets declined

But then your parents visit and take you out for a nice dinner


When it’s finally the weekend and you can go to the bars

But then your friend texts and asks if you remember what happened last night

When your family asks how the semester is going

But you really feel like this

But then you realize you have great friends by your side to go through all of college’s ups and downs with


Photo Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

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