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7 Ways to Hang with Friends at Night Besides Drinking

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

If you’re not sure what to do with your free weekend, you’ve come to the right place! Here are some classic and pretty inexpensive activities to do with friends!

Go to a Local Concert

Pittsburgh has a great music scene – it’s just about finding what you’re into. Go to local showcases to support Pittsburgh artists while having a great time with some friends. Not only is this a cool new experience for you and your friends, but you also might find some new songs to add to your playlist.

Movie Night

Whether you’re watching an old school black-and-white film, a foreign classic (with subtitles, of course) or getting cozy in your dorm with some Netflix originals, watching a movie is always a great way to hang with friends. A movie night is a classic option that dozens of students choose every weekend. It’s up to the group on whether you want to watch a new thriller or The Notebook for the 50th time: just make sure to have good snacks and fuzzy blankets and you’re in for a great night!

Game Night

For your competitive friends, board games are a great go-to. You can make any board game interesting and, for those on a budget (literally every college student), a deck of cards will do. You can have hours of fun and laughter with a couple decks of cards and maybe a few spoons. If you don’t know any card games yourself, there is a high probability that someone in your group is a card game connoisseur and knows at least 10 different types of games. So, when it’s time for game night, come ready with some cards, sweats and, of course, snacks.

Eat Your Heart Out

Everyone loves food. Everyone loves to eat. This isn’t even a question, and neither is the fact that you and your friends should go and get some tasty treats! Whether you are a sweet or savory person, you can always have a great time when food is around. You can have a picnic in your dorm with some snacks from Market-To-Go, order-in or even venture out into Pittsburgh for some iconic eats. Pittsburgh is known for its food with a combination of iconic sweet chains like The Milkshake Factory and savory restaurants like Primanti Brothers.

Spa Night

We know the planning side of a spa night could almost sound stressful but trust us: by the end of the evening you and your friends will be cool as cucumbers. With the help of the internet (Pinterest, of course), a spa night on a budget has never been easier. All you need is a few essential ingredients so you and your friends can make home-made masks and treatments without making a dent in your bank account.

Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens

If you have never been to Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, go right now, we BEG of you! Phipps is home to over 20 gardens and has just opened their new spring flower show! Best of all, Phipps is free for Pitt students. Whether you decide to go as a group or just by yourself, Phipps is a wonderful way to stop and smell the roses, literally.

Venture Downtown and Have a Photoshoot

Need to spice up your Instagram feed and looking for a fun night out? Go adventure around Pittsburgh with friends for some cool pics to post! Whether you’re taking pictures with some cool street art, a muraled wall, the iconic Pittsburgh bridges or even with some city lights, you’re in for a great time. You will have the time of your life discovering cool sites in the city and have the pictures to prove it.

Photo Credit: Cover Photo, 1, 2, 3, 4

Keely is a Psychology Major and pursing a BPHIL in International and Area Studies on a Global Studies track. She loves to visit new places in Pittsburgh and spend time outdoors. Keely hopes to one day work within the field of Global Health.
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