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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

We all do it at some point in our lives. Teenage girls have the worst rep for overreacting, but is it really overreacting if it’s justified? Here is a list of seven things that girls and boys overreact about.


1. Losing your mom in the store.

It doesn’t matter how old you are. If you lose sight of your mom for even a split second in the store, you will go ballistic.


2. Losing your phone

“My phone was right here! I had it like five seconds ago! Where could it have gone? What if someone stole it?! Or I accidentally flushed it down the toilet!! Yes, Mom, I checked everywhere I swear! Yes, I checked my pock… Oh…”


3. Noises in the middle of the night

“This is it. This is my last night on Earth. I’ve had a good few years. I hope the axe murder kills me quickly.”


4. Cops

“Great. Today’s the day I get arrested. I probably killed someone. Maybe it was because I thought about punching Jessica in the throat. Is that considered assault? My mom’s going to kill me, if I even make it out of jail alive.”


5. Spiders

For being such tiny insects, spiders are absolutely terrifying. No matter how small or seemingly harmless they are, shrieking and burning down your entire house is always the immediate reaction by almost everyone.


6. Getting sick

Never, I repeat NEVER, consult the internet about what disease you might have. You’ll end up with a brain tumour, diabetes, and syphillis, when in reality you only have a sinus infection. Even if you don’t check the internet, you still automatically assume the worst. Oh, I have an itchy eye? I have pink eye. I’m congested? I’m going into anaphylactic shock. My heart beat is a little faster than normal? This is what cardiac arrest is, isn’t it?


7. “Can I ask you a question?

The most dreaded text message. They could ask you any question in the world, but all you can think about is anything you did wrong within the last year. The worst part is when you can see that they are responding and it takes like ten years for them to send it. You know it’s bad if it took that long to write!


Image Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt