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5 Lessons I Learned From My Summer Internship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

This summer I could not have been happier to intern at a place that has been dear to my heart since I was a wee little kid—Kennywood Amusement Park. For those of you who are not from Pittsburgh, Kennywood is a one-of-a-kind traditional amusement park where Pittsburghers have made countless memories for generations. As a public relations intern, I created posts for Kennywood’s social media outlets, helped out with media events at the park, and a lot of other cool stuff! Not only did I have an awesome time getting a behind-the-scenes look at one of my favorite places, but I also gained a lot of experience that I will take with me in the future.

Looking back at my internship, I realized there was something just as important as all of the experience I gained and the fun that I had—all of the lessons that I will take with me to future internships and, really, just in life. Here are the five lessons I learned from my summer internship:

1. Don’t be afraid to ask for something you want.

I had my eye on interning at Kennywood, but couldn’t find any information about internships there. After seeing the PR director on the news one day, I was curious and looked him up on LinkedIn. After viewing his profile a few times (and feeling like a major creeper, thanks LinkedIn for telling us who views our profiles!), I figured I’d go ahead and send him a connection request. I typed a few sentences into the request box about where I go to school and how I’m hoping to get into the PR field one day and never really expected to hear back. Turns out, he was so impressed that I reached out to him that he answered me right back. After going back and forth a few times, he said he could use an additional intern and he offered me the position!

I never would have imagined that sending a simple LinkedIn message would lead to getting an internship. This was a huge eye-opener for me that it never hurts to reach out to someone, even if you don’t know the person at all! (Even if you feel a little awkward or creepy.) The worst answer you can receive is no! Be bold. Put yourself out there. You never know what opportunity it may lead to.



This is the number one thing I struggle with the most. When I first started my internship, I felt so new and clueless as to how things worked. I just wanted to do the best possible job I could, but my desire to be perfect was holding me back from accomplishing anything. I was scared that my ideas wouldn’t be good enough. I quickly realized that no one is perfect, and no idea is stupid! The person you are interning for doesn’t expect you to be perfect. You’re there to learn! Don’t be scared to give your input or let your creativity flow just because you’re new. And if you make a mistake, don’t fret; that is how you learn!  


3. Ask questions – lots of them!!

Your boss was once in your shoes. He or she is most likely in a position you aspire to be in one day, so he or she probably has a lot of good advice for you! Ask questions about how things work that are relevant to your internship, but ask them for general advice, too! They are a great resource and they obviously know what it takes to break into the field you want to be in.


4. Always give 100% no matter what

This sounds like common sense, but it’s something to always keep in the back of your mind. From day one, work as hard as you possibly can. Not only will it help you learn more, but it will also make a good impression on the people you are working for. If you ever need your boss for a reference in the future, he or she will only have good things to say about you!


5. Make the most of it, because it will fly by!

As it always seems to do, summer flew by in the blink of an eye. I am still sad that both summer and my internship at Kennywood are over. But when I look back, I am so glad that I went in as much as I could and truly made the most of this short-lived experience. I would encourage any intern to do the same. Once the opportunity is over, you’ll be sad. But at least you can leave knowing you got the most out of your internship.



Photo Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Julia is a Media and Professional Communciations major at the University of Pittsburgh. She loves photography, dogs, scary movies, and singing in the car! She is very excited to be a part of the Her Campus team and to grow as a writer.
Katie handles the day-to-day management, development and expansion of our chapter network to ensure that our on-campus presence is stronger than ever. She recently graduated from the University of Pittsburgh, where she studied Nonfiction Writing and Communication. Her extensive Her Campus background dates back to 2012 and she has since held the position of Campus Correspondent and Chapter Advisor. When Katie isn’t watching the Pittsburgh Penguins, you can find her trying new restaurants, obsessing over her long list of shows (The O.C., Scandal and Gilmore Girls are top picks) or setting out to find the perfect donut.