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Your Guide to a Relaxing and Productive Weekend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pepperdine chapter.

With the semester already more than a half over, your energy levels are probably decreasing by the minute while your adoration for the weekend increases. But now is not the time to slack off. It’s a well-known fact that as soon as you want to rest, your professors lay it on thick. Essays, projects, presentations, and exams are all here for you to face, and your weekend is the time to tackle them.

  1. Now don’t think I’m saying to give up those glorious hours of sleep. I myself would never. What I am saying is, don’t sleep the entire day. Set your alarm for a later time in the morning, like at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., or 12 p.m., depending on how much work you have to get done and how late you went to bed.
  2. Here’s the really important part. When your alarm goes off, you have to get up. Because let’s be real, every time you say five more minutes, do you ever set an alarm? No. You just go back to sleep and there goes the day. So instead, actually get up. You don’t have to hit the ground running. It’s your weekend, take it slow. Brush your teeth, take a shower, or wash your face. Make a cup of coffee or tea and relax.
  3. I highly recommend you change out of your pajamas, even if it’s into a pair of sweats or something else really comfy. I know, why bother changing if I’m not going anywhere? Changing out of your PJs changes your mindset. You aren’t wearing a reminder of where you might want to be, and this way, your jammies aren’t smelly when you hit the hay at the end of the day.
  4. Set some goals for the day. It doesn’t have to be academic. It can be as simple as changing your sheets or going over your calendar. When you start doing something productive, even something small, you finish that and then move on from one goal to another and walla! You’ve gotten more done than you realize.
  5. After getting your goals done, relax! Even more than you have been. Pamper yourself. Take a nice long shower if you want, or if you’re really lucky, take a bath. Take out that book you’ve had on your nightstand and read it. Kick back and watch the new season of your favorite TV show, or rewatch your faves. Go out with friends if you want. You deserve it!
  6. Now, here’s one you probably aren’t expecting. Go to sleep and get a good night’s rest. If you aren’t out or hanging out with your squad, there is no need to stay up until 3 am. If it’s Saturday, you have tomorrow to watch more of your show or read more of your book. And if it’s Sunday, do you really want to start the week off more tired than you need to? Here’s a fun fact you might have forgotten. The earlier you go to sleep, the more sleep you can get, and the earlier you can get up feeling refreshed, the more you can do.

So, do as the modern women do: take names, multitask, and rule the day, even on the weekend.


Melissa Locke

Pepperdine '21

This is my senior year of college and I'm a Public Relations major with a Creative Writing outside concentration. I was born and raised in So-Cal and love it so much I couldn't go too far. As much as South California is my home, I adore traveling and learning about other cultures. A Disney fan to the core you can find me watching any of their movies, or breaking my bank account at Disneyland, and if not I'll probably be reading, writing, or enjoying the Malibu climate.