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The Writer Behind the Mascot

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pepperdine chapter.

After taking my dog along to a few meetings, some of my fellow Pepperdine Her Campus chapter members informed me that she would be the chapter’s new mascot. Anyone who knows me knows that I adore my dog, and take any opportunity I get to show her off a little more, so I was so excited to hear them say this. A few days later, I wrote a campus profile about Nouba, introducing her as the mascot. Yes, I know, she is adorable! 

People often ask me what it’s like to have a dog as a student. Well, if I’m being honest, it’s tough. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been planning on bringing my dog out to Malibu from Texas since I decided on Pepperdine. The plan was: one year living on campus, one year abroad, and then coming back to live off campus and with Nouba. My plan was well on track in August when I flew out with Nouba as my carry-on. However, I did not plan on how difficult it would be to take care of a pet alone. Although I hate to admit it, my family helped me out quite a bit back home. Needless to say, it took a while to get used to having her here with me. 

The first couple of weeks were particularly difficult, as I was starting a new job and out for training during most days for great portions of the day. I even received a couple of noise complaints in my apartment building because Nouba had been barking. I was shocked when I received the first one considering Nouba had never been one to bark for no reason. However, my roommate and I then decided to not limit her from roaming around the apartment as she pleased while we were out. This fixed the barking issue, but I still had to leave her home alone for hours at a time. I did my best to adjust my schedule so that I would have time to go home in between classes and take care of her. However, as most Pepperdine students know, unexpected things come up quite often for us during the course of a day. 

It was definitely the balancing act of a lifetime. While abroad, I struggled to find a balance between school, traveling, and sleep. Coming back, I had to learn how to balance school with taking care of a dog and an apartment, not to mention all the extracurriculars that one must take on as a student on the Malibu campus. It was not easy. 

On long breaks, I’ve flown home and back with Nouba, which was and still is a complete struggle. On shorter breaks, I’ve left her at a dog hotel nearby, and she’s gotten sick two out of the four times she’s been there. 

I thought having Nouba with me was the perfect plan. I never imagined how difficult it would be, despite the countless warnings my parents gave me. It turns out, they were right, as they usually are; there is no such thing as a perfect plan. However, even though it is a pretty difficult task to be solely responsible for another living being, I do not regret bringing Nouba out to California. No, she’s still my wonderfully adorable dog, and I am still her human. At the end of the day, I know she’s happy to be here, and I am so happy to have her here. Although this has been a significantly stressful year compared to others, being able to go home to a loyal friend and a wagging tail makes it all a little less stressful. 

What’s it like to own a dog in college? Well, it’s tough, but it’s great. And if you’re thinking of having a pet whilst being a student, I would say you shouldn’t be so quick doubt your abilities to manage. Of course, think it over well, and don’t take on a responsibility you wouldn’t be able to handle; but if you think you’re up for it, you’d be surprised at just how well you can manage. All you have to do is learn the art of balance; you’ll be happy, and your furry friend will thank you.

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Paola Ramos


I'm a Pepperdine University senior from Texas. I'm a Leo, a total dog lover, and an avid reader. Spanish is my first language, so I am bilingual and working on being trilingual (I just need to turn my conversational French into fluent French). I love to write; it's a way of life!