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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pepperdine chapter.

When you go to the career center for the first time they talk to you about how important your resume is. Your resume should be used to show your interests, experiences, and skills. 

Photo by Freshh Connection on Unsplash

But isn’t that any of your social media platforms? 


Social media is the new resume and we know it without even realizing it.


Any social media platform acts just like a resume. Who you follow shows your interests whether that’s sports, entertainment, news, fashion, photography, science, etc. There are so many accounts that offer content for such a variety of interests, it is so easy to express your interest with a push of a button. 


Likewise what you post shows a part of yourself to the world, even if you don’t have a personal brand or an influencer account. If you share it, it means something. And you can use that to your advantage. Social media gives you the chance to show future employers more of yourself than a one-page resume that you can easily condense to fit most of it in your bio. 


The risks of social media and its negative impact on your professional future are often talked about, but there are so many positives and advantages to it if you’re smart.  


If you want to get into the fashion industry not only follow accounts but post your own content related to it whether that’s a review of a new collection or your own personal style. You can create a new piece for your portfolio every time you click share. 


Social media is also a great way to connect with others in your desired field just like LinkedIn. 


These are just some of the ways social media acts as a resume, but let’s not forget that social media has become a huge part of any company or brand. Having good social media and knowing how to use it is a skill you put on your resume, your account is just one more piece of evidence that shows you’re a good candidate for a job. 


When I started my public Instagram account the sole purpose of it was to be able to show that I know how to use Instagram. I can look at the analytics, create content, and develop a strategy for engagement. As time passed I also used it to show my passions and what I’ve produced through my classes. 


Influencers are a normal part of our society. A lot of time we make fun of them though, as we do anything really. But we can learn from them. No, we may not all want to be influencers, but just like them, anyone can use social media to showcase themselves and put whatever you want out to the world whether it be your music, your fashion, your writing, your academics, anything that makes you you

woman holding white mug while standing
Brooke Lark/Unsplash

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Use social media to your advantage, you’re probably on it anyway, so why not?


Melissa Locke

Pepperdine '21

This is my senior year of college and I'm a Public Relations major with a Creative Writing outside concentration. I was born and raised in So-Cal and love it so much I couldn't go too far. As much as South California is my home, I adore traveling and learning about other cultures. A Disney fan to the core you can find me watching any of their movies, or breaking my bank account at Disneyland, and if not I'll probably be reading, writing, or enjoying the Malibu climate.