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Healthy Snacks to Get You Through the Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pepperdine chapter.

Finding quick and easy snacks that are also healthy and affordable isn’t always easy. However, considering how much of one’s time is spent on studying the week before finals begin, it is pretty essential to be prepared for the week ahead of time. Furthermore, no one wants to spend 20 minutes preparing a few snacks for the afternoon. You want to be able to grab something from the kitchen and head out of the door. Here are a few ideas on what to buy next time you are at the supermarket; these snacks will keep your brain going while you study and will take little to no prep time!

1. Baby Carrots: These veggies are easy to carry and fun to eat. They will get you through the afternoon feeling satisfied and motivated. Baby carrots are a good source of fiber, potassium, and antioxidants, among other things, so you are definitely taking care of yourself when choosing this over, say, Cheetos.

2. Almonds: Buy a large bag of these the next time you’re at Ralph’s and you will have enough to last you all month! These nuts are full of nutrients that will help you get through the day. 

3. Cuties: These little mandarins are, in fact, cute (yes, fact!). They are a great source of Vitamin C, which is super essential since most of us tend to miss out on the essential sleep our bodies need during finals’ week. 

4. Strawberries: This fruit is a great source of antioxidants and it will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle that next chapter or subject!

5. String Cheese: Cheese is a good source of protein, so eating a couple of these will help to keep you going until your next break and/or meal time.

6. Dark Chocolate: This snack will help wake you up and also help to boost your mood. Since eating chocolate releases serotonin, your spirit will be lifted as you study away! Bonus: also contains antioxidants! 

7. Banana and Peanut Butter: Eat this during a short study break and then get right back to it! The sugar and protein in this snack will help keep you awake and motivated. 

8. Pita and Hummus: Pack a few veggies, too, in order to make this snack healthier and more filling. This is an easy and mess-free snack to carry with you.

9. Pretzels: A good replacement for chips when you need something salty to munch on. Just don’t eat a full large bag at once!

10. Popcorn: This snack is easy to make, easy to carry, and a good thing to eat while studying. Try to buy popcorn with less butter, though, in order to truly make it a healthy snack!

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Paola Ramos


I'm a Pepperdine University senior from Texas. I'm a Leo, a total dog lover, and an avid reader. Spanish is my first language, so I am bilingual and working on being trilingual (I just need to turn my conversational French into fluent French). I love to write; it's a way of life!