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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.

I have been a fan of countless celebrities over the years, but none of them have made such a positive impact on me as Peter Michael Davidson (using his full name for emphasis). I truly do not know where I would be without him or his comedy. I am so grateful that I came across his work last year because it has changed my life in so many ways.

People assume that I just like Pete Davidson because I find him attractive, but my adoration for him runs much deeper than that; I just don’t talk about why. His film The King of Staten Island hit very close to home for me as I also lost my biological father when I was eight years old. Although my situation is completely different from Pete’s, I had never felt so seen until I watched that movie. Also, there was one comment in particular that Pete made about his dad in one of his standup shows that was something I thought only I had felt. It was crazy to me because that was something I had never said out loud to anyone before. I feel like he understands me even though we have never met, and especially because very few people know the reason why I connect to him. I am also one of few people who finds his dark humor funny and relate to some of his jokes. I learned a lot of great ones from him that I tell my friends, and it always freaks them out.

Another reason I love Pete Davidson is because of the new people I’ve met and the experiences I’ve had after becoming a fan of him. After watching The King of Staten Island, I began listening to Kid Cudi, one of Pete’s favorite artists who is now one of my favorites as well, and because of that, I have made some awesome friends. I even got a tattoo of the title of one of Kid Cudi’s most popular songs, “Pursuit of Happiness,” which I first heard when it played in the credits of The King of Staten Island. The song not only inspires me to always see the good in life, but it reminds me of the film, the personal meaning behind it, and the connections I have made because of it.

Something else that resonated with me about Pete is that he is acting in movies with actors from films his dad used to love, like Sylvester Stallone. And how he played the role of George Bailey in a reading of his dad’s favorite film, It’s A Wonderful Life. One of the many reasons why I also aspire to be an actress is because my late biological father was a movie buff just like me, and he had the same random knowledge of actors and celebrities that I have now. It makes me so happy to see Pete doing what he loves in ways that remind him of his dad, and I hope I can make mine proud in that way someday too.

Pete Davidson is one of the first people I saw speak so publicly and authentically about things I deeply related to. He also speaks about important mental health issues and has made so many people feel comfortable with getting the help they need. He is truly an amazing person with a big heart and a beautiful soul, plus he is a talented actor and one of the funniest comedians out there. I can always count on him for a laugh when I need one, and I know he watches Arrested Development… that’s my type of man. Last summer I saw a TikTok that said I am meant to be with someone named Pete, and I am fully aware TikTok users just pair random names together as a joke, but maybe it’s a sign…

Melanie Bumpus is a freshman at Pace University majoring in Communication Studies (and fluent in Arrested Development quotes). She is either at a concert or watching 10 Things I Hate About You for the millionth time. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9551530/