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Spotlight on Broadway: Indecent

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.

Looking to see the next big Broadway production? Look no further!


This past week I had the opportunity to see the Broadway play, Indecent. This show is based off of the true story of Sholem Asch’s play, God of Vengeance, from 1923. Written by Paula Vogel, Indecent is centered around the struggles of the playwright to express the concept of same sex lust, turned love, in his play.


            This show touches upon the reaction to controversial topics in relation to the time period. Two very controversial topics discussed in great detail in Indecent are, religion and same sex relationships. The shame placed upon these characteristics that make up one’s sense of being is expressed as well. I was in complete awe at the incredible acting throughout this production and how well developed the story was.


At first, I was unsure of what to expect when walking into the theatre. This show will, without a doubt, hit you in the feels; there wasn’t a dry eye in the house!


Indecent is playing at The Cort Theatre on 138 W 48th Street; get your tickets now!

Hello! I am a Senior Communications Major with a minor in Arts and Entertainment Management. Some fun facts about me are that I have a twin sister, my favorite place to vacation is Puerto Rico, and I am obsessed with Justin Timberlake!
Hey guys, my name is Cas. I am a Senior at Pace Univeristy on the NYC campus. I am currently working on a dual degree in Communications and Fine Arts. I've been working with some friends of mine to start up our own creative platform called FUNKNVIBE. It's basically a way for artists, musicians, film makers and any creative minds to collaborate and create. When I'm not volunteering or with my FNV family I'm reading, dancing or working on my latest art piece. I hope to own and design my own publication showcasing the culture around me. I have a personal blog as well as my Her Campus page. I recently started up a blog with FunknVibe so definitely check it out!  I started out as the secretary at for HCPace but moved my way to VP and CC to now President. I love being able to give students on my campus a voice and connect new students to some type of a community. Her Campus has allowed me to organize myself better and find out what goes into running an organization. It's been an absolute joy and I hope for my last year we have one of the best!