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A Beginner’s Guide To All Things Crystals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.

If any of you frequent your TikTok “For You” page you may have come across the community known as WitchTok. WitchTok is filled with practicing witches discussing spell work, deities, divination and especially crystals and their usage. Given the rise in popularity of WitchTok, many people are starting to explore the world of crystals and crystal healing. Today I will be sharing with you my personal guide, as a practitioner of four years, to crystals essential for the current midterm season.


Amethyst is a beginner-friendly crystal that is helpful for anyone no matter their experience level as it is extremely user friendly and requires little to no maintenance. Amethyst is relatively affordable and can be found in any metaphysical shop. It is known for its ability to assist in maintaining focus, mental clarity, and peace.

Smokey Quartz

Smokey Quartz is another fairly user friendly crystal. Smokey Quartz has powerful grounding and balancing properties. This crystal is also known for its usage in promoting positive thoughts and actions- all things needed during stressful exams. I prefer to use this crystal while meditating before taking any exam to help ease my test anxiety and ground my thoughts.


Pyrite is a powerful crystal used for many different purposes. This crystal is a little more high maintenance when it comes to the handling and charging of it. Pyrite will rust if exposed to water as it is an iron based crystal, so when preparing it for usage avoid cleansing it in water and instead charge this crystal in a salt bath or smoke cleansing. Pyrite is wonderful for keeping negative thoughts out of your mind, promoting confidence, and motivation.

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye is the perfect crystal for mid-semester burnout. It is wonderful for providing you with the determination and strength needed to get through those dreaded study sessions. It is also great for alleviating anxiety and promotes success. I like to wear my Tiger’s Eye bracelet while taking tests and studying.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is the secret ingredient to my affirmation routine during test season. It is perfect for the grounding energy needed to center yourself and focus on bringing success and positive energy into your life. It is an empowering stone that will help make tests easy to prepare and ace.

Remember, crystals are not a substitute for proper preparation, they enhance what you already have within yourself. Now get out there, hit the books, and charge those stones!

Grace Finucan is a student in the class of 2023 at Pace University. She is an Art History major with the goal of one day owning and operating her own art gallery. She also is a freelance painter and poet who hopes to one day be able to feature her own work in galleries across the country.