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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace Pleasantville chapter.

So… I’m not going to sit here and write about how my major is so hard and that none of you can possibly understand what I go through. I say this because I truly know that… it is just not true! Every major has its own ups and downs, but I do not know what exactly one goes through in all those majors, but one. I thought I would share what I go through… but through the use of GIFS!!! I can only speak on half of my journey, however, which has gone a little something like this…

First, you’re excited! Can’t wait to learn how the criminal system works, how their behavior influences politics and how you can do your part:

Second, you begin to simmer down and realize that this major is going to take a lot of late night hours and lots of brain power:

As you move through the information and books and tests, your knowledge starts to build up and you catch a nice little exciting break. Where you feel everything will be worth it:

Then, comes the hard part where you start to freak out because all these new terms, processes, and cases are just gibberish to you and you can’t understand why:

You even go through the stage that there is no way that you’re going to be a good lawyer because you can’t even remember simple terms like “mens rea”:

But then everything starts to come back to normal and you learn to just take a deep breath, learn to manage your time, study until the terms are imprinted in your brain, and begin to think/speak like I already have this degree:

Now I’m still working on getting my degree, but right now, I feel invincible. I believe that I will come out to be a really great lawyer and i cannot wait for that day to come. Of course, I still have to go through a couple more exams and mental breakdowns before I can become a lawyer…….  Let’s not talk about all that right now though, I dont want to start crying LOL! Good luck this semester guys, we got this.

Pearl Luciano

Pace Pleasantville '22

Hi I’m Pearl Luciano. I am a political science major. I like sports and reading.