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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace Pleasantville chapter.

I had the pleasure of being able to take an ASL class this semester. I always wanted to expand my language barrier and be able to communicate with a another and a greater community. The whole semester I have been practicing, reading, and trying to learn enough to go out and be able to put it to use. So, today I did exactly that…

Jefferson Valley Mall became my target event location. I went with me and my friend, Kayla, to an ASL meet-up to put our skills to the test. We got there and we were a little nervous because we weren’t sure of our ASL skills. We began to feel a little of what they feel in their everyday lives; trying to communicate with the hearing people, but not being confident enough to speak in their ASL because no one will understand them. 

Exactly what we felt! As the hour passed and we were ready to leave, we were approached by some Deaf people, and finally got to put our knowledge/skills to the test. At first they were signing to fast, but after we explained that we where there as a school project to test our skills, all they did was smile and help us. It was like we made their day being two hearing that are learning to sign to communicate with the deaf community. I recommend that everyone learn ASL. Just because others weren’t fortunate enough to be born hearing doesn’t mean that we should disregard their OFFICIAL language. It was a great experience and I would do it again!

When I am 100% confident in my ASL skills of course?

Pearl Luciano

Pace Pleasantville '22

Hi I’m Pearl Luciano. I am a political science major. I like sports and reading.