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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace Pleasantville chapter.

We all have bad hair moments and sometimes it takes us forever to find the perfect hair regiment. For the past few years, I’ve struggled with an oily scalp and with Asian hair, it is really fine and sometimes hard to clean.  It wasn’t until a few months ago that I finally found the cure: Tea Tree Oil! 

After extensive research, I found that some Asian hair can appear especially greasy due to excess oil glands in the scalp. Dark hair also can give off a shiny appearance just because of its dark color. That’s why it’s better to get shampoos and conditioners with light ingredients that are natural and can help soak up the excess oil that accumulates throughout day to day life. Most websites recommend argon oil, tea tree oil, rosemary, sage, etc. 

Conditioners are also not recommended for oily hair as well. If you do apply it, it is better to just apply it to the ends of your hair rather than your scalp. Conditioner on the scalp will just increase the oil content. 

After finding all of this information, I took to my nearest Target to pick up a better shampoo than my Head and Shoulders. I picked up Desert Essence Lemon Tea Tree Shampoo and it has honestly been the best thing I’ve tried. I have never really known how to manage my hair and this is definitely the way to go. I am so happy that I have found this solution and I’m still kicking myself that I have not tried this sooner. 

I recommend this to ANYONE struggling with greasy hair. It does not have to even be this brand, just look for anything with simple ingredients and tea tree oil/rosemary/sage/lemon/etc. Don’t settle for a random shampoo that you grabbed on your way out of the store. Take time to find the best shampoo for you; it will make you feel better about your hair and everyone deserves to have good hair days…

Meili Sicard

Pace Pleasantville '22

Meili is a Junior nursing major at Pace University Pleasantville. She is a proud resident of the Massachusetts/Rhode Island area (and a proud NE Patriots fan). In her spare time, Meili likes to go to the beach, listen to music on Spotify, drink exorbitant amounts of coffee, and spend all of her money on food. She is a sister of the Alpha Rho Chapter of Delta Phi Epsilon on campus and the current Campus Correspondent of HC Pace Pleasantville.