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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace Pleasantville chapter.

Her Campus: Can you please state your first and last name and what your major is.

Nasir Givens: My name is Nasir Givens. I’m a  freshman at Pace University studying Sports Marketing while also playing football.

HC: How has your first few weeks of college been so far?

NG: the first few weeks have been a bit tiring for me. I have to wake up early for classes and go to long practices. I’ve been studying hard by going to tutoring so I can stay on top of my work when I’m a struggling.  

HC: How have you been able to balance school and football?

NG: So far the school has been pretty laid back. My professors have not given me an extreme load of work so it’s not that hard to balance school and athletics at the moment. But I know when the time comes I will be on top of my game.

HC: How many years have you been playing football? And what do you want to gain from your experiences playing football?

NG: I’ve been playing for eleven years now. I want to gain a career in playing for the NFL but I would also like a career in sports management.

HC: what are the statistics of your best game?

NG: The statistics of my best game has been 13 tackles so far.

HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

NG: I see myself working in sports marketing and enjoying my job. I want to be financially stable and live a good life without any stress.

HC: Lastly, if you can give any advice to the younger generation, what would it be?

NG: I would tell the younger generation that they should focus in school and not slack off because they don’t want to have to struggle in college when they should be having fun while also trying to be the scholars I know they can be.

Sheena Williams

Pace Pleasantville '22

Sheena Williams is a sophomore at Pace University, majoring in digital cinema and filmmaking along with a minor in digital media studies. She spends her time working on creative projects and hopes to play an active role in the media.
Pearl Luciano

Pace Pleasantville '22

Hi I’m Pearl Luciano. I am a political science major. I like sports and reading.