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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxford Emory chapter.

More often than not, writers write for themselves, rather than their audience; their purpose being to tell an interesting story or convey some emotion. Words have power and the ability to bend you to their will and can give someone the confidence they need to face the world when it seems like the world is against them.

Writing for many people is a way of communicating emotion. It allows them to express themselves in a way that they might not have been able to otherwise. For countless people, the pages in a notebook are less daunting than the words of other, perhaps because the paper can’t talk back. Writing something down on paper might just give someone the courage to say what they need to outloud, or deal with a situation they’d been avoiding. When solace can’t be found with others a good book is a place to go to find a new world to love.

Look at the Harry Potter series, so many people have had their lives changed for the better because of the story. Be it people who found friends within the fanbase, people who gained hope from Harry’s story, or the author herself improving her own situation. One would be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t heard of the Harry Potter series, a simple story has shaped the lives of an entire generation, in a way no one expected. Writing gives voice to those without and allows people to weave incredible stories that touch the hearts of their readers. The truly amazing aspect of writing is how a single person, just trying to be understood, can bring together groups of people that would have never otherwise interacted.