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4 Tips for Picking Classes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxford Emory chapter.

1. Keep your major or track in mind

If you’re pre-med, you already know that you need to take chemistry, biology, etc, otherwise you won’t even be able to apply to medical school. If you’re pre-law, you’re likely aware that you need to take some English, philosophy, or history courses. But even if you aren’t on any sort of track, all majors have requirements. When you pick courses, make sure you’re keeping in mind the classes you NEED to take for your major or to graduate, and try to take at least 2 each semester.

2. Don’t take on too much

Don’t forget that classes come with homework and exams, so don’t overload just because you think it will impress graduate schools. What WILL impress them is a high GPA, extracurriculars, and leadership; if you have a low GPA and no extracurriculars because you were too busy taking 21 credit hours each semester, you’re only hurting yourself. Try to find a balance between classes and extracurriculars, college is supposed to be fun and allow you to gain leadership experience!

3. Always take ONE class you’re sure to enjoy

Most college students take four classes per semester, so make sure that at least one of those is a class you’ll enjoy. No matter what your major is, take that one class that sounds fun and exciting to you; you’ll actually want to learn and you’ll have fun (which is what college is all about)

4. Leave breaks in between classes

Don’t be that student that runs from class to class from 8am to 6pm without having time to eat lunch. Constantly being busy and not having time to relax, eat, or be with friends is hard and is NOT how college should be. Leave time between classes to eat, do some homework, spend time with friends, and enjoy life!

Writing for Her Campus, alongside being the Senior Editor of the Emory chapter, strengthens my creativity and ability to teach others. It spills into my professional life by emphasizing my capabilities to motivate, inspire, and learn from my peers.