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10 Tips to Celebrate Your Body

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxford Emory chapter.

Do what you want to be happy and satisfied

Wear clothes that make you feel confident and surround yourself with positive, encouraging people. If you hear others criticizing themselves, refuse to join in because you deserve to be around those who make you genuinely content. In the end, your own health and happiness should be prioritized. 


So something nice for yourself

Do something for yourself that your body would appreciate. When you feel overwhelmed or stressed, take a break. You can go on a walk, cool your favorite meal, talk with a friend, take a power nap, or watch a movie. Your body will thank you and you will feel great, too. 


Do not criticize what you see in the mirror

Focus on what you love and appreciate about yourself instead of thinking about what you want to change. It is important to respect yourself and the body that helps you get through the day. Your body is shaped beautifully and you have every right to be confident about it. 


Appreciate all your body can do

Your body does so much for you, even the simple things we don’t think about twice: breathing, laughing, running, dancing, singing, and more. It is because of your body that you are able to attend school, be a loving friend, and accomplish your goals. 


Exercise for enjoyment and make it a habit

Working out should be a celebration of your body and not a punishment for what you ate. It will not only boost your mood and energy but also provide you with long term health benefits in the future. Exercise will keep your body happy and strong, but most importantly, YOU should feel your best. 


View yourself as a whole person

When you are with others, your presence and personality will be the main focus. It is important to know that you are so much more than what you see in the mirror or on the scale. They don’t and can’t say anything about your love, care, compassion, generosity, or kindness. 


Know that media portrayal is often inaccurate Note that most “perfect” images seen in advertisements and on social media are heavily edited and unrealistic. These companies provide false advertising through incorrect messages, not understanding that beauty is reflected through various shapes and sizes.


Do not let your own opinions stop you from doing anything

If you have certain hobbies that you love, don’t let your concerns stop you from having fun. Fight back by participating in these activities, even if it is difficult. Going with a group of friends will allow you to enjoy it all, whether it’s an audition, dance performance, or sport. 


Listen to what your body wants and need

Do not deprive or restrict yourself to certain foods. Your body needs the nutrients to help sustain you. If you are hungry, eat the foods that will supplement that energy for you. Remembering that you should treat yourself once in a while too. 


Shift your time and energy to something else

Rather than using your time and energy to worry, you can go out and do something for or help out other people. Reaching out to others can help you feel better AND positively influence other people. 


Jackie Doctor

Oxford Emory

My name is Jackie Doctor, and I'm a sophomore at the Oxford College of Emory University. I'm an Anthropology and Biology major on a pre-med track. I'm interested in pursuing a profession in Allied Health. I'm a huge fan of Game of Thrones, Parks and Rec, and Bob's Burgers, and I read, write, and play the ukelele in my spare time.