When we first come into college we’re all excited about our new journey and the independence we have. Not having to tell your parents where you’re going, living in a new place, discovering who you are, and so much more. But let’s face it, coming into college, some of us get head-over-heels over someone we meet, and BOOM… our canon event (for people who have never watched Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, a canon event is something you can’t stop from happening even though it’s bad and will screw you over somehow, but it’ll help build your character.)
There are very rare cases that make it out of college still in a relationship and end up living happily ever after. Unfortunately, for the rest of us who have been in a relationship in college and it didn’t work out, we have some trauma. Whether it be having to see your ex on campus and at parties, emotional trauma from being manipulated, or just feeling lost and lonely.
My advice to incoming freshmen or anyone who’s in college and was thinking about getting into a relationship, DON’T. Your college years should be spent discovering who you are, focusing on learning, having fun, and making great friendships. I wish someone told me this before, but fortunately enough without the trauma I wouldn’t be the person I am today and know what I want in a partner even though it sucks seeing my ex on campus and healing from what he put me through.
The moral of the story, your college years are to make memories with friends and at school, not to waste it on someone and have to deal with that trauma.
Your big sister who has been through some shit :)